Chapter 18

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"You believe I'm worthy?" I ask in amazement and wonder.

Zerro smiles at me "You have a kind heart Ittzy. Since you have entered in the castle I've seen your past," she hesitates as she sighs "And your future." My eyes widen. How is she able to see all of that.

"Ittzy you need to be careful or things are going to end the way you don't want them to. You need to go after your mate." Zerro says gently with a worried look on her face.

I glare at Zerro "He doesn't want me, with the way he has treated me I don't want anything to do with him. How dare you try to convince me to go back to a heartless person."

Zerro shakes her head "I normally wouldn't but August has his reasons why he doesn't want a mate. You need to figure that out and then you'll understand. No one is born with hate in their heart Ittzy."

I roll my eyes at Zerro "I'll give him one chance to tell me but that's it." I say stubbornly. Zerro sighs but then nods.

"You better go, August is in his room. Talk to him." Zerro commands lightly and I nod and walk away. I jump out of where I came from and land gracefully on the floor.

I let out a sigh as I head towards August's room. On my way there I run into Jeremy.

"Hey Check on Atta in an hour or so, I've got to head back home, I'll be back tonight." I nod as he cast me a smile and continues to walk off. I make it to August room and knock lightly.

I sigh harshly as I hear his mumbled "Enter." I open the door and walk in as I see him looking at me with a raised brow.

"I figured you would be kissing Atticus's feet at the moment." I growl at his words and he returns the growl glaring at me. August stands to his feet roughly "Don't challenge me Ittzy."

"Don't mock me August. I didn't come to talk about Atticus." He rolls his eyes and sits back down.

"What do you want then" he questions with an impatient tone in his voice as he looks back down at his paper work before lookin back up at me.

I stare into his eyes for a moment. Then my mouth opens "Why are you so against mates. Why do you not want me. Honestly." I ask him as I stare into the ocean in his eyes.

"Ittzy I'm not interesting in your love triangle. You need to choose who you want." August gives me a bored expression.

My eyes widen. "You talk like I had you as an option." I question in disbelief.

"No I did not handle finding out you were my mate, well. I admit but, you didn't try hard to fight me on my decision, and I didn't try hard to help you understand or even explain my out burst. We both were at fault." August swallows and I smirk as I realize how hard this is for him to admit his wrong doing.

"Well I'm here now." I state and he chuckles as he leans back in his chair. I clench my fist at his mockery.

"You were also all over Atticus just a moment ago." He shrugs "So don't expect me to sit here and share feelings with you. And braid your hair and cry and laugh together."

I huff at his sentence as my checks flush from embarrassment. "But there is a reason that you didn't want me. Not because of where I come from." I ask as I search his eyes for the truth.

August sighs as he rubs his forehead "Yes, nothing about where you came from was the reason I rejected you."

My heart fluttered at his words and my back tenses up. "What happened." I ask him in a whisper and he looks at me and glares,

"I just told you I'm not telling you, I don't just go around telling people my business."

I huffed and crossed my arms "Then as mates we are never getting anywhere if you can't open up."

August growls as he stands up quickly making the chair fall behind him. "How the fuck are we supposed to get anywhere with you being in another mans arms." August walks from behind his desk as he stalks to me.

"You were also with someone August" I stare growling.

"Yes I was with someone but I wasn't leading you on, I was honest and straight forward with you." Now we are chest to chest, or well nose to chest.

"You rejected me before even trying." I growl as I take a step back.

"I literally just said I had my reasons," August Growls as he takes a step to me.

I open my mouth but a loud growl interrupts me. I shut my mouth looking into August eyes.

"Get out. Go to your lover Ittzy, I can't look at you right now." August growls as he eyes clench shut.

"Fine I will." I turn and quickly walk out of the room slamming the door shut. I sniff my way to Atticus and head to his office. I knock on the door and hear his soft voice sayin to come in.

I open the door and smile at him. He returns my smile as I walk in. "You have a moment to eat lunch with me?" I ask smiling.

I chuckle as I suddenly hear Atticus stomach growl. "I defiantly need to eat. Give me a couple minutes to finish this and then we can." Atticus states as he continues to write on a piece of paper.

I sit down and lean my head on the headrest.
"That's fine I can wait."

We small talk for a few moments as he finishes his paper work. An hour passes before he finishes and both our or stomachs are growling. I giggle as he puts his paper work away and his staomach growls again.

"Let's eat". I grab his hand and we head out of his office and walk down the hallway to the dining room. He looks like he is mindlinking someone as we sit down. Suddenly two chefs come in and set our plates down. My stomach growls at the sight causing Atticus to chuckle. We both dig in to our food and talk about everything and anything.

In the back of my mind Zerros words haunt me, but I can't seem to tear my self away from Atticus as he scoots his chair closer to mine.

Thankfully the rest of the day Atticus spends with me. We walk aimlessly around the castle and for the first time he allows me with him when he has to tend to business with his pack. We then eat supper and go our separate ways for the night.

A smile on my face I open the door to Attas and Is room.

"Atta I can wait to tel you-" I stop as I come in contact to an empty room. "Atta?" I question. I sniff for her scent? It's been vacant for a while. I knew she wasn't with Jeremy because he had already left and wouldn't be back until late.

I turn on my heels quickly walking down the hall sniffing for Atta, for some reason, I can not find her scent and I start to panic.

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