Chapter 11

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I walk through the halls and find myself in a small bathroom. I look in the mirror and wince. It looks bad, I take some cloth and hold it to the wound. I sigh as I wait the few minutes it takes for the cut to heal. I sigh as I take the cloth away and put it away. Now my cut is smaller.

I don't move from my spot. I find myself staring at myself; still getting used to what I look like now.

"Ittzy." I turn and see Atta and Jeremy. Jeremy gives me a weird look as he studies me. "Come on we are ditching the party and hanging out in your room." Atta grabs my hands and pulls me out of the bathroom and we walk to my room Atta leading. Jeremy cast me another glance. After the third glance I catch his eyes.

"Are you okay." He whispers to me. I nod but we both know I'm not. I never am.

We finally get to my room and Atta plops on my bed. "I'm exhausted but I won't be able to sleep." Atta claims I sit beside her as Jeremy sits on the side of the bed. Atta sits up as she faces me.

"You never talk about yourself. I know nothing about your past, or family." Atta asks.

I pause not really knowing what to say. Then finally "There are some chapters in my story I don't want to read out loud. " Atta looks at me with sad eyes.

"Oh." Is all she says.

"What about you." I ask.

Atta gives me a sad look "I'm an only child. August has always been like a brother to me though."
I then look at Jeremy.

"I have an older brother." He says lightly.

A pause goes through us, and I know they are waiting to see if I say anything.

"I have 4 siblings. Two brothers and two sisters. I'm the youngest."  I sigh out as it feels as though my chest tightens.

Attas eyes widen "Dang. That's a lot. Were you close?" Atta pushes.

I shake my head quickly. "No I was the odd one out."

"Oh" Atta breathes. She then looks at Jeremy and grabs his hand. "We need to figure out what we are going to do."

I look at Atta "I'm thinking on it. I'll let you know when I find out something." Jeremy nods as Atta yawns.

"It's time for bed Atta." Jeremy grabs her hand and pulls her up. She doesn't protest much as he leads her out of the room.

I look down at the floor not really wanting to stand and get ready for bed. I would sleep in this but it's not comfortable. I stand up and go to my closet. I take out a simple night gown and quickly put it on.

Suddenly my doors opens. I quickly look to the door and my eyes widen to see August. "We need to talk." He growls out as he then turns and walks away. I follow behind him wishing I was in my bed instead. We walk down the halls and finally end up in his office. We walk in and I close the door behind us.

There is a comfortable distance between us and I can find myself breathing comfortable. Though I still get his scent as well with every breath.

He studies me. I look at him patiently waiting. I'm interested to know what he has to say. We haven't really talked since the experiment on me.

"You didn't follow my orders." August growls out as he crosses his arms and leans against his desk.

I in return give him a confused look. "What?"

August runs a hand through his hair "I told you to protect Atta."

I put a hand on my hip "I did protect her. Fighting outside was me protecting her and everyone else. She was in the safe room."

August growls "You should have been with her." He takes a step towards me but I don't move.

"That's not protecting her that's hiding with her." I cross my arms.

August looks at me for a long time, both of us staring at each other. His glare hardens at what seem like eternity before he finally speaks.

"You know what one of the things I hate most about you?" August growls out as he tenses up.

My eyes widen and I take a step back as I wait for his answer.

"You are a whore. I could smell a mans scent on you the moment I opened the box." August growled out.

I snap my head up to him. Memories flood me and I shake my head blinking the tears back.

"Don't cry you whore you had a choice." August growls lowly. As he leans closer to me.

Anger burst through my chest as a sob forces it's way out of my mouth as my head snaps up to him my teeth bared. His eyes widen in surprise but he quickly covers it up. "No I didn't have a choice." I say through clenched teeth. He looks at me confused as I continue. "I didn't have a choice when I was thirteen and I never had a choice after that."

He opens his mouth but I interrupt him "Not everyone grew up with a silver spoon in there mouth August. Not everyone had a choice in sleeping around. I smell women on you too."

August grinds his teeth. "I wanted so bad to wait for my mate. But for some reason someone took a sexual liking to me. And I became a toy." I lick my lips as I take a shaky breath.

"If that's something you hate most about me Get in line. I constantly feel dirty and used. I haven't felt like my body is my own in years. Do you know what that feels like?" I pause as I take a step towards him.

"Do you know what it feels like to have someone constantly push themselves in you as you beg them to stop. To be trained into being a toy. To have people sit and watch as someone you are supposed to trust violates you." I sake my head at him "You are a spoiled brat. And I hate that you are my mate." I see August flinch.

I turn and start to walk away but I pause as I hear a whisper.

"I'm sorry."

I roll my eyes and turn to him. "I don't forgive you." My hand grabs the door knob and quickly twist it open as I walk out.

I wipe tears from my eyes as I walk down the hall. I finally get to my room and climb in my bed and pull the covers over my head. I close my eyes tight, willing the memories to go back In their locked box but it's to late. The lid has been blown open. Tears rush down again into my pillow as I cry. Eventually I cry myself to sleep with nightmares following me.

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