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I stare at the chains around my wrist and ankles. I look around the cave I'm in. But I am not fooled. This is now my prison.

I feel my eyes glowing. A growl rumbles in my chest as I hear foot steps. I adjust the chain around my neck as I take a couple steps forward. The cave is massive. Multiple tunnels for me to explore as these heavy chains make sure they are the only thing I can explore.

This is my prison until I die.

I see August walk towards me. I growl out and he growls in return but the growl doesn't meet his eyes. His eyes are filled with eternal sadness.

He stands feet away from me. We say nothing, staring into each other's eyes. His shoulders sag, defeated. My chest is puffed out ready for anything.

"I'm sorry." His voice cracks his eyes water but not one falls.


I growl. Only my friends could call me that, but now they are dead. Thanks to me. I look at my hands, they are clean but all I see is blood.

I look at him, his eyes are tortured. He clears his throat. "Ittzy."

I blink at my name. The name that so graciously falls from his lips it seems to haunt the cave.

"August." I growl out. That's all I can do now. Growl out my words.

His hands are shoved in his pockets his hair is messy like he had ran his fingers through it a hundred times.

Yet I could still find the beauty in him. My heart soared for him. Though my mind despised him.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for what I did to you. Ittzy I'm so sorry." August walks towards me as his hands land on my arms. He looks into my eyes searching for something.

"You need me don't you." I growl out.

August clenches his jaw. "I do. Ittzy. I need a heir."

I look into his eyes. My thoughts are blank. I knew what he wanted and I knew what I wanted in return.

"I'll give you a heir August." I growl out and August eyes are filled with the tiniest bit of relief. "But I want my name justified."
I growl out.
"I want my story told exactly the way it happened. I want people to know what happened to me; I want them to know the abuse, the rejection the experiment the betrayal. I want them to understand why I lost my mind." I growl out as I hold his eyes as he looks at me in wonder.

He nods slowly "Give me a Heir and it is done."

I look in his eyes my heartbeat picks up as the animalistic side of me itches to be let out. "What are you wanting for." I growl out.

August looks deep in my eyes to make sure I was positive I was okay this. I growl impatiently and his lips slam down on my lips.

Third person POV

Ittzy gave August a Heir. A beautiful baby boy. August told Ittzy to name him.

She names him Raiden. August let's her be with the baby for a year before he stops visiting Ittzy, and she is left alone.

August keeps his side of the deal and makes sure Ittzys story is historically accurate in every scroll. He goes the extra mile and builds a statue right out side his palace. He has half of her looking like she did before the experiment and the other half looking like her after the experiment. He has her wings spread out and strong, her held head high and stubborn.

Bellow her statue is the words.

Let your beast eat, unless your human starves.

Under that was a summary of her story.

Ittzy Stares out from her cave. She looked over the people who thought her dead. She looked into the castle, watching her boy grow.

No one knows when she dies, no one even knows what happened to her. Her son searches for the cave rumor had said his mother was in.

When he finally finds it only chains remain.

The itsy-bitsy spider
Climbed up the water spout
Down came the rain
And washed the spider out
Out came the sun
And dried up all the rain
But the itsy-bitsy spider
Didn't climb up
The spout

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