Chapter 14

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My body feels on fire as anger fills me. How dare he. How dare he lie and he do that to Jeremy. A growl escapes my mouth.

Atticus looks concerned. "Is everything alright?"

"Just peachy." I growl out. I turn quickly and storm out the door.

I sniff for August and quickly storm after his scent ready to give him a piece of my mind.

How dare he. How dare he play match maker. I bust into his room. He cast me a glance but continues on his paper work that is on his desk.

I slam the door shut behind me and his eyes connect with mine. We don't say anything as we glare at each other.

A growl rips from his throat. "Are you challenging me!" I roll my eyes at his accusation.

"I don't want your throne. But I am challenging your decision. How dare you lie to Atticus and how dare you marry Jeremy off to someone who isn't even his mate." I growl out as I stalk to him.

"What the hell is wrong with you." Atticus yells as he stands up knocking his chair down from behind him.

The fire in my veins course through me like I've never felt before. And I feel more dragon than human.

"You! You are what is wrong with me!" I growl out. "You are just so selfish. Why! Why did the Goddess pair us as mates."

Atticus stalks to me "You think I'm happy about being with you! I hate being with such a low life pathet-"

I cut him off quickly "Atleast I have honor!"

His glare intensifies as he growls at me. "Excuse me."

I puff my chest out as I look in his eyes with as much hatred as I can "I don't ruin people's lives for my own benefit. You have no compassion for your own people. For the people who lay their life on the line for you. You just sell them out whenever you feel it fits for you. You don't care and you don't deserve to be King." I growl out.

The sound of skin connecting to skin feels the air as my face moves to the left.

I touch my cheek feeling the sting. I then turn to my mate. I growl as I pull my arm back and punch him in the face. He then grabs me by the throat and pushes me a couple feet back into the wall sliding my body up making my feet dangle. We both growl though mine comes out more strangled as I struggle to breath.

"Why do you care so much about Jeremy." August growls out his eyes switching back and forth from his and his dragons eyes.

I roll my eyes. "I'm not into him August he is just my friend. Just like Atta is my friend and I don't like seeing my friends hurt." I say looking at him pointedly as I wait for the pieces to come together. His eyes suddenly widen as he drops me.

"They are mates." He whispers looking at me.

I growl at him "oh look the king has a fucking brain."

August for once doesn't growl at me he looks at me confused.

I know why. My personality is rapidly changing. I'm losing myself. My human side is fading away; my dragon and I slowly becoming one literally. I was becoming more dragon though, more feral.

"How was I supposed to know they were mates." August growls out as he crosses his arms.
I roll my eyes "Oh, cut the crap. You know exactly what you were doing. You knew Jeremy still had a mate out there."

August doesn't say anything as we stare at each other. My heart longs to be with him. To be in his arms but I had seen to much of his selfish side to want him. Yet I only feel like I'm lying to myself.

"You need to fix this." I say suddenly.

He glares at me "You are in no position to order me around.

I cross my arms as I spit back "I'm not ordering you around but you need to do something."

August rolls his eyes and growls as he stalks out of the room slamming the door. I sigh rubbing my temples. I walk out after a minute and head down the hall. 

I sniff to pick up Attas scent and start following it. I get to a door where her scent seems the strongest. I smell Jeremy's as well as I open the door walking in. I freeze in horror as I see Jeremy on top of Atta going at it like bunny's.
A small scream escapes my mouth and they both jump tryin to cover them selves as they look at me horrified.

"It's not what it looks like." Jeremy stutters.

Atta gives him a look as she relaxes a little seeing it's just me. "It is exactly what it looks like." Atta deadpans.

I blink as my face reddens.

"I thought we were tryin to keep you to on the down low and I walk in-you couldn't even lock the door?." I ask mid sentence.

They look at each other and glare "I thought you locked it." They say in unison.

"How are we supposed to hide this if you both smell like each other now." I growl out putting my hands on my hips.

I sigh as I look at their guilty faces. "I guess it doesn't matter because I've already told August."

Both of them pale "What!" They yell in unison.

"You heard me. I think he is fixing it though." I cross my arms leaning against the door. "Anyway I'll leave you two to it."

Atta looks at me "Thank you." She then pulls Jeremy back on her. My eyes widen as I quickly leave locking the door behind me. I shake my head tryin to get the image of Jeremy's ass out of my mind. That will be something that never leaves me.

To engrossed in trying to delete the images I turn the corner and run into a hard chest. Arms wrap around me catching me. I look up and see the red eyes of Atticus.

He helps me up and stabilized me. He smirks at me "I see I have you falling for me already." He winks at me as I blush.

I look around and sniff not seeing or smelling my mate anywhere.

"Maybe in your dreams." I finally shoot back a playful smile on my face. Wow I guess turning more dragon means gaining more confidence. 

He gives me a genuine smile. His hand comes up and holds my cheek. There are no sparks but there is warmth. Looking in his eyes I see true admiration.

"I apologize." I whisper making his eyebrows raise in confusion. "I was a bit harsh to you earlier in your office."

He chuckles as his hand drops and grasps my hands. "I can tell you didn't ask for the life you've been given. But the only way I can forgive you Ittzy." He pauses as I give him a confused look. He sends me a dazzling smile. "Eat dinner with me tonight. Just you and I. August already explained the situation with Jeremy and Atta so there is no need for us all to eat."

My heart flutters and I'm speechless. I nod a smile growing on my face. "I would like that." I say suddenly becoming timid.

"Perfect. I will see you in an hour." He lifts my hand and graciously gives me a kiss on the back of my hand. He then gently lets my hand down and walks away. I suck in a breath as he then bows to me and walks away.

My eyes widen as I then turn and rush away. I start pounding on the door Atta and Jeremy were just fucking in. "Break up love birds I need Atta"

I hear a groan and the door opens revealing Atta "What do you want now."

I smile and without another second I let the words break from my mouth "I have a date tonight."


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