Chapter 21

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A growl leaves my lips as I land in front of August castle. I breath in the familiar smells of home. I take my bag and and as I walk through the door I feel as though I am only dragon.

Yet I still feel her. The human inside me hanging on so tight with one hand. Trying to desperately tame the beast.

I head into my room and go into the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. My eyes are different. More animalistic, more unloving. My hands grab on to the sink and my claws leave marks in the counter.

I shake my head then look back into the mirror. My eyes going back to looking more human.

I step away from the counter and then an alarm sounds through out the castle.

"Ittzy come to the front, we are about to land, we are under attack you need to get Atta to safety." I take off after hearing August through the mind link. I run through the hallway and down the stairs until I am out of the castle.

I spot them as they land and I quickly grab Atta as she shifts. We don't say anything as I lead her down to the safe room. Making sure her and the others are safe I lock the door and take off into the woods to the sounds of the fight. I break through and take out the first human I see, it isn't much of a fight and I snap his neck quickly. I start plowing through humans killing them with my claws.

I don't shift fearing I'll lose what's left of me.

I see a man starting to sneak up behind Jeremy, I rush to him and slit his neck. Jeremy turns to me and nods at me. We continue slashing through, honestly I don't understand why the humans try to fight us, knowing it is a losing battle. I look around me seeing all the dead human bodies. August walks to me and study's me for a moment.

"Good job." He finally states. We start back to the kingdom Jeremy and August talking about the Human kin surrendering. Rumors flying around that he might go after the fairy kingdom.

We get to the castle and walk in. Jeremy and August walk towards his office and I walk to my room.

"Ittzy, I heard about Attic-"

I cut Atta off with a growl "I'm fine." Her eyes widen as she looks into my eyes. She shakes her head and turns rushing away. I stalk to my room my head starting to feel like it could explode at any moment.

"Ittzy." I growl at my name as I turn as see August. His eyes widen as he sees my state. I'm hunched over slightly, my claws and fangs are extended cutting my lips. I growl as I look at my mate. My failed love. I then think of my second failed love. My second chance, gone.

"Ittzy come to me." August states and I see the pain in his eyes. I think of everything, my life, the abuse. I was stupid to think I could be loved.

My hands shake as one clings to the wall. My claws scratch the wall. My heart hurts. Why didn't I see this coming I should have known Atticus would leave me for his mate. I was selfish for even considering him rejecting her. How dare I put someone else through my pain.

I look at August as my lip trembles. "I just wanted love. It's all I ever wanted was love. All I got was hate and lust from two men." I hiccup as I start to lean in the wall more.

August takes a step to me and I growl at him. My humanity, like sand was quickly slipping through my finger tips. The human in me was letting go and letting herself fall.  "All I wanted was love August!" I shout at him making him flinch.

"Ittzy come here and let me love you baby." August gently tells me causing me to laugh.

"Now you want me?" My teeth are bared in anger at my question. "Now you want me." I ask again calmer.

August cautiously nods his head "I let you have your fun with Atticus now come to me. Let me love you. Let me help you." August takes my hand and squeezes it.

"It's too late for love August. It's to late. You didn't want me I found someone else and they broke my heart too. I'm not seeing it happen again." My voice starts gettin raspier and I know I'm running out of time.

My spine hurts my emotions have started causing physical pain to me, my heart feels like it could shrivel up.

"Ittzy please let me love you." August states again desperation in his voice.

We lock eyes as silence fills through the room.

"I reject you August." Both of us suck in a deep breath. As we fall to the floor. My skin feels on fire as I keep eye contact with August my chest heaves up and down as I breath quickly "I reject you August I REJECT YOU AUGUST."

I scream out and I look at August once more "I now have no ties with humanity anymore" the whisper falls from my lips and August eyes widen in fear.

I scream out as my body shifts. My dragon form breaks through the walls as I rush after August. He takes off running till we are outside. My growl rumbles the earth and Jeremy and Atta come into view.

They look at August confused. "Sedate her now!" I hear him shout. Suddenly Jeremy shifts into his dragon form and starts to come at me. I dodge his attacks as we fight.

I shoot fire out of my mouth hitting his face. He flinches and then swipes my face. We fight back and forth until I bring him to the ground his blood in my mouth and I want more. With out a second though my mouth is at his throat and my fangs sink into him. He thrashes and then with one swift motion I rip his throat out.

I hear a cry and turn to see Atta on her knees screaming. She looks at me with terror in her eyes and then anger. She shifts as well as she comes at me I meet her half way and with out a struggle have her on the ground and her throat ripped out. Soon there are other guards fighting me and I am winning.

Next thing I know I am hit in the back. I turn and See August dragon. I roar at him and suddenly feel a prick. I look down and see two men with a large needle sticking in me. Suddenly back dots appear and I'm falling.

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