Chapter 20

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I look in the mirror at myself. I have a hood in covering my face along with a peasants dress, like I used to wear.

I look at Thaklend "Thank you." He doesn't speak a word as he points at the door. I roll my eyes as I turn from his afraid figure and walk out the door. I climb back on the horse and take off into the kingdom.

When I get closer to the castle I jump from the horse and walk to the side of the castle making sure no one sees me. Once out of sight I extend my claws and start to climb the castle walls.

Once I get to the first window I look in and see a normal guest bedroom appearing to be vacant. I break the window wincing at the sound.

Climbing in quietly I look behind to make sure no one saw me come in. Breathing a sigh of relief I turn back and rush to the door. I open it Slightly and peak out.

"I'm worried about that dragon being here. I don't care that she is in the dungeon she could still attack us." I hear a maid say to another as they walk down the hall.

"Better not let the king hear you say that." I open the door the rest of the way and rush the other way from where they're going. I peak around the corner and see a stair case. Looking around I quickly dart towards it. I stop mid run as my eyes widen as I hear voices coming up the stair case. I look around quickly spotting a door. I rush to it quickly and open the door and quietly close it as they finish up the stairs. I listen to their footsteps and wait for them to round the corner. I open the door and make a mad dash to the stair case taking the steps two at a time.

It's starts to get dark making me aware I'm most likely in the dungeons.

I reach the bottom and the stench of blood confirms my theory.

"Atta?" I whisper knowing she would hear me.

"Itz?" I rush to her voice and see her in a cell. She stands from her cell after seeing me and rushes to me.

I grab her hand through the bar. "I'm going to get you out." I state.

"The keys are by the stair case." Atta states. I turn my head and sure enough there are the keys. My eyebrows raise at how easy this is. I quickly grab the keys and come back and open the cell. Atta engulfs me in a hug. "I'm so glad to get out it stings so bad in hear." I giggle at her words and grab her hand.

"We need to hurry they check on me every hour." I nod my head as we rush back up the stair case.

I rush through the hall way back to the bedroom I had first entered. I close the door behind us and rush her to the broken window. She extends her claws as I help her out the window once she is down far enough I follow her and climb out the window. She helps me down and I rush around it back to where I had left the horse. I curse not seeing it and grab Atta and pull her along.

"Keep your head down." I tell her as I pull her though the swarm of people. Luckily we make it out of the kingdom with out being spotted. As soon as we reach the out skirts I look at her "Shift, fly all the way up, as far as you can go before you try and leave." Atta nods at me as we both shift and jump up into the air flapping our wings.

We reach the highest point and fly towards home. I open the mind link "We are coming home."

We quickly fly our wings pushing us faster. As we past the border I hear an alarm go off. "I think they've noticed I'm not there." Atta giggles as we continue our flight. I join her giggling.


We land in front of Atticus's castle. Jeremy rushes towards Atta and embraces her in a hug. He throws a glare my way and I look away from him. Atticus and August walk towards us.

"I'm glad you made it back." Atticus states avoiding eye contact with me. I arch an eyebrow as he then turns and walks away.

"We will be leaving in a couple hours." August then states after casting a glance at me. My heart picks up at his words not wanting to leave Atticus.

"What why?" I ask August.

"Everything is settled. If we are attacked Atticus has agreed to send reinforcements." August states as he looks at me with a stern look leaving no room for arguments. I rush past Atticus as I sigh leaves his lips.

"I wouldn't." I look back at August for a moment his eyes beg me. I ignore him and continue up the steps to the kingdom. I rush exactly to where I know where Atticus is.

I knock on his office door and open the door as I hear his voice. My eyes immediately spot a woman. The same height as me, strawberry blonde hair and hazel eyes. She cast me a smile. I then look to Atticus as he scratches the back of his neck not letting my eyes.

"Ophelia, can you give me a moment." The young woman looks at him as nods with a smile. She walks past me and closes the door behind her.

It's just me and Atticus. "Atticus I don't want to leave, I want to stay here with you." I confess as I walk to him putting my hands in his. He drops them and takes a step back from me. Still not meeting my gaze.

"Did August say something? He can't stop me from being with you." I state determined.

Atticus sighs as he looks at me. "Look Ittzy, you are an amazing woman, and I would love to be with you." My eyebrows furrow at his words as I shake my head. "But I have found my mate Ittzy."

"Then reject her." I growl. The dragon in me consuming a little more of my humanity with my words

Atticus looks taken back. "You can't be that selfish Ittzy. Would you really want me to put her through that pain?"

With the last bit of humanity I have left I shake my head. No I couldn't put someone through what I had went through. "I'm sorry Itz-" I cut him off with a growl.

"Don't." I then turn and rush out of the room blinking back tears. I rush to the room Atta and I shared. I started quickly packing. She eyed me as she buckled her bag.

"Are you oka-" I cut her off with a growl. Her eyes widen and I grab my bag and stalk out of the room.

The anger in me was boiling over, I almost couldn't control it, I needed to leave now. "We aren't leaving for another hour Ittzy." I hear August voice as I rush down the steps to the yard.

I hold back a growl as I turn to him. He sighs "I warned you."

"Its your fault." I growl out, August raised a brow.

"How so." I drop the bag at his words.

"I don't know I just know it is." He rolls his eyes at my words. "I'm leaving early."

He doesn't say anything he just nods. I quickly shift into my dragon and grab my back and take off towards home.

Something was erupting in me and I didn't know how to stop it.

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