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Back to the dysfunctional nations
Thrid-Person POV
"Well I guess we should continue reading this-" England started

"Hey Canada Bro..." But America interupted him

"Yeah America?" Canada answered

"Was that how you really feel that we wouldn't care if you disappeared" Anerica asked

"A little bit, but its not your fault its mine for being so invisible" Canada said quietly

"No its not its my fault, I'm always causing problems for you, so therefore if its anybodys fault its mine, Okay?" America said in a genuine sounding tone

"Do you mean it" Canada asked

"Yeah besides I would glady switch places with you" Anerica said but nobady heard the last part

"Oui, I agree with Amerika just know mon petit cher that you arent invisible, okay?" France added smiling softly

"Well now that you Bastards are done ignoring parts of your Family, can we please continue reading this stupid book so I can go back to my own country?" Romano said rolling is eyes the whole time

And yeah I took out the accents because I relized how cringey that was

"Yeah I want to have some Pasta!" Italy cheered

"Then we should probaly keep teading Aru!" China demanded because he cant be aroumd these western nations for long without building a China Town

But i'm still keeping Chinas Aru's because I can lol. Just not as much

"I read first because you western nations take to long" China said as he grabed the book from the table

China opened the book and fliped it to the next page and read it aloud

"Every time its one of Englands colonys independence days, he gets really angry and calls them out on their flaws but deep down he blames himself for being a bad brother and that they are like this because him, this leads to him getting drunk of his arse and calling them saying that he's sorry. This happens every year. Once he even tried to get the British Goverment to get rid of July 4, but they said no as it would cause problems" China read

"Well thats just not true this book is lying I would never... do that" England said looking a mix of angry, embaresment and sadness

"Uhhh Bro you sure, but I guess that explains the 5 voice mails i got of "I'm so sorry" or "Its my fault" and "You know what your not really that bad at cooking and I actualy really like hamburgers, and I just wanted to be a good brother and its my fault and fu*k the stupid frog, and.... HEY WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME YOU BLOODY WANKER I WAS A BLOODY PIRATE I'LL SLIT YOUR THROAT AND FEED YOUR DEAD BODY TO YOUR FAMILY..... HUH WHAT WAS THAT.... NO YOU BETTER NOT CALL THE POLICE.... I OWN THEM THEY ANSWER TO ME.... WHATS THIS.... america why are you on my phone GO AWAY I THOUGHT IT WAS JULY 4 WHY ARE YOU HERE wait thats just my phone oh.... "" America said in a fake british accent

"N-No I do not" England yelled

"Are you sure about that bro, I have the voicemails on my phone if you wa-" America started in an exited town

"No- No thank you" England interupted

"We can continue on" England said hoping to distract people from his embarrassment

"Whatever you say Bro" America said as Russia took the book from China

"Can I read next Amerika" Russia asked well he didn't really ask it was more of a statement

"It is a Diary Entry..." Russia said without getting approval to read not like he needs it though

"I always have wondered why I exist, "we already have one Italy why do we need two" I've heard that one more than enough "I prefer North Italy because he's not a asshole" or "Why can't you be more like your brother" I've heard taht one a lot to, actually I recall Grandpa Rome saying that last one, he always preferred my Brother, I don't understand why he gets to be called Italy and I get to be called Romano it's not even my real name we're both Italy, we're both equal or are we? I'm not even close to being as good at Art as my Brother, or cooking or cleaning and he is a lot kinder then I am, the only thing I have is the mafia and I don't even control that, cause I'm scared of them... it's not fair why can't people treat us as equals even if we aren't really, just to make me feel better about myself because right now I feel like the cilantro on a dish that nobody likes and my brother is the cheese because everybody loves that. Even my analogies suck. My brother could probably come up with better ones
-S.Italy "

Romano imeditaly became embarresed as soon as he realized this was a page from his own diary and started avoiding eye contact with the rest of the nation's, as half-way through the entry they all started staring at him

"What are you Bastards looking at?" Romano questioned giving of a cold glare

"I had no idea you felt like that fratello I'm so sorry... I didn't know... and your not cilantro I promise you that and-" Italy continues this for 5 minutes and accomplishes in making Romano even more embarrassed which caused him to get angry

"Shut up you Idiota, you know what I'm done with you guys I'm leaving" Romano said as he stormed off

"No fratello" Italy called after him

"Roma- come back, please" Spain called after Romano also

But Romano didn't here them because he already left the room

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed, wow everyone is just leaving this room first Prussia then Romano.... odd that it's both brothers of the main Charecters. Promise next part will be about Sealand and Prussia' s "Great Adventures in the oversized Hallways" plus Germany who's looking for Prussia, but while he's doing that he stops and rethinks basically all his life decisions while everybody else reads about those life decisions in a oversized book....

Wow that's sounds like a great idea Timmy
I know Timmy it sounds great idea
Why am I talking to myself
I don't know.....

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