Kudos to you.

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Kudos to those who have lost someone
and still smile.
I understand it can be hard to move on,
to even show emotion,
to hold back tears as people tell you they're sorry for you.

I just lost someone important to me.
And it's hard to think about.
And it's hard to see old photos.
And it's hard to hear people talk about it.

So to those who have lost someone,
If you can still crack the smallest hint of a smile,
you are one of the strongest people on the planet.

Keep that in mind for the rest of your life.

Anyone can smile.
But not after something like that.
Only the strongest people can
pick themselves up after falling
from a height so
fucking high.

You pushed passed the pain,
You didn't forget that person,
You keep your lips pressed up
instead of flat lining.
Let me tell you.
This poem is not the prettiest.
But is sure as hell
hurts to write.
Makes me think about him.
Kudos to you for smiling.

I'm not there yet, but I'll get there someday.

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