Stop thinking.

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Stop thinking for a minute.

Look left.
Look right.
Look everywhere around you and take in

Notice small details.
The dust gathering across the room
isn't something insignificant.
Small living things crawl around in their own
tiny invisible universe.

Appreciate the world you live on.
The smell of rain on a cold day
could mean so much to one single person.
You may not see it yet,
but when you get the chance,
breathe it in.

Ask questions that you'd never ask.
What even is a jellyfish?
The don't have brains.
Or eyes.
And are about 95% water.
But still live.
How come something that has less of a body than me,
still has the will to stay on this planet?

Listen to music.
Consider the words closely.
Every single one.
Focus on the emotion the singer is feeling,
Rather if it's excitement,
Or something insane
that can not be explained.
Maybe it's how you are feeling right now.

Wonder about poetry.
Every living thing has it inside them.
I am full of poetry.
You are full of poetry.
Simple, yet complex

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