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"Happy New Years Eve day," Harry says excitedly, yet still quietly in the early morning. He's hovering over top of me, his arms on either side of my body, his face just inches from mine. The glow in his face from last night is still present as I'm sure it is in mine.

I giggle and lift my head to peck his lips quickly. "That's not a thing, Harry."

"Sure it is, it's the day of the eve of the new year. Duh," he explains with a smirk and rolling his eyes playfully. His eyes shine with mischief and amusement, shadows of his loving and lustful gaze from last night still left in fragments.

I sigh as I stare up at him, shaking my head at his playfulness. I lift a hand and push my fingers through his slept on curls. He closes his eyes at my touch and let's out a breath. I run my hand down the back of his neck and bring it over his shoulder, trailing gently down his bare chest. He opens his eyes, a soft smile lingering on his lips.

"You're so beautiful in the morning," he says quietly before lowering his lips down onto mine.

He keeps his hands on either side of me to hold himself up, but my hands are free to roam. I can't get enough of his heat, his smooth skin, toned muscles and the delicate patters of ink scattered along his chest and left arm. He's like a sculpture, a piece of art made perfectly solid and every slope of his skin calculated precisely. He's the most beautiful man I've ever known, I don't know how I got so lucky.

His tongue explores my mouth gently, nothing is rushed or hungry. Every movement is slow and gentle, every brush of our lips and swipe of the tongue. We take it slow, exploring each other carefully, wanting learn every inch of each other, savoring this perfectly sweet moment. After the exhilaration and passion from last night, we need to learn each other's bodies all over again in a softer more intimate way.

"Wait," I turn my head and he pulls back. "So, am I only beautiful in the morning?" I tease.

Harry chuckles quietly and kisses my cheek tenderly. "Something like that," he mumbles against my skin, raises goose bumps on my neck.

I laugh and swat him playfully, him laughing quietly as well. He rolls over and lays beside me, stretching his arms and rolling his neck before settling his head back down on the pillow with a relaxing sigh.

"So, plans for today?"

"Um, well my mom wants us over later this evening for dinner. Niall's family will be over too so we'll just bring him with us. Your mom is more than welcome to join us too, they're all going out to time square to watch the ball drop and they'd love to have her along," I tell him and he nods along.

"They? What about us?"

"Well, I figured... I figured since it's our first New Year back together that we could spend the ball drop alone," I say quietly, looking down at the sheets beneath us. "You know, if you wanted to..."

"Of course I want to," he says softly, cupping my chin and lifting my face back to his, pressing his lips softly to mine.

"So will you call your mum?" I ask, starting to feel giddy. He nods and smiles at my expression. "Great! My family will be happy to see her again - unless they already have," I add, remembering that recently I haven't been in Harry's life and I haven't been the one holding his hand. The bad feeling of how we came to be for the second time around float back even though we've stepped over that stone and it's behind us.

"No, baby. They haven't," he assures me and kisses my forehead. I sigh and nod, offering him a light smile.

"Next question," I preface and he props himself up on his elbow, amused with all my questions. "Gemma and Zayn -"

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