the rise of the tmnt part 1

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Rosie pov (mine pov)

I'm watching my older brothers fighting Mikey vs Leo and Donnie vs Raph. First Mikey vs Leo Mikey was being well Mikey and got beat easily. Then Raph and Donnie but Donnie got beat because Raph was being well Raph. Now it's Leo vs Raph, come on Leo you got this beat Raph I thought then one of Leo swords came at me. My eyes widen in horror and ducked out of the way then Raph Sai came at me and rolled out of the way. I saw Donnie and Mikey looking at me with worried eyes I nodded to tell them I was okay then watch Leo and Raph then Leo went down, nice try Raph said with a chuckle I ran to Leo Aid and help him up, thanks sweetheart Leo said with a soft smile I smile back Leo chuckles and tickles me, no hahaha not the tickle monster hahaha I said between laughs then Leo stops and rubs my head softly I chuckles then Master Splinter came in, well done my son's you all did good Master Splinter said" but I did better Raph said Leo looks at him crazy, this is self-improvement Raphael it doesn't matter who wins or loses I said and use pressure points on him, Ahh we all doing good job everyone Raph said I let go and chuckles softly with a smile and looks master splinter he smile I smile back then got a water balloon thrown at I glare who did that it was Mikey. I growled at Mikey Mikey who looks scared then runs out of the dojo, Mikey! get back here so I can kill you I yelled and runs after him I here Raph and Donnie laughing hard and I hear Leo and Master Splinter chuckles. I pinned him down to the floor and growls, you went hurt me right Rosie Mikey gulps" I would I said then starts to slapping him, help! get this crazy woman off of me Mikey yelled then I got pulled off of Mikey I wine and looked at Leo, sorry princess we have to have Mikey alive so we can have food Leo said" aww I wine and pouts Leo shakes his head and chuckles, ok Mikey you are free to go I said" thank God Mikey said and runs to the kitchen to make dinner.

In the kitchen still my pov

Mikey was cooking dinner it was Algerian worms. Leo was eating respectfully Raph was eating angrily and Donnie was gagging at the algae's in worms I just sat there and looking at it, Watashi wa yurusa reru kamo shirenai (may I be excused) I said Master Splinter nodded yes I got out of the kitchen and walked towards my room and sat on my bed then there was a knocked on my door, who is it I said" Watashi ni Shishi-za(me Leo) Leo said" Nani (what) I said" Doa o akeru onegaishimasu (open the door please) Leo said" Īe (no) I said" bakkin (fine) Leo snaps and walks off. I sat there with tears coming down my cheeks I probably lost my best friend I sat there for a while then the door open I looked up to see Leo but I looked down then I felt Leo hand go under my chin to make me look at him, Sore wa daijōbu imōtodesu (it's ok little sister) Leo said I nodded and hugs him then sings a lullaby.

Until I fell then I heard him say I love you little sis in Japanese.

Leo pov

When Rosie fell asleep, Watashi wa anata no imōto o aishi (Love you little sis) I said and put her down in bed and kiss forehead and coverage her up with her favorite blanket and walked out of the room.

Rosie pov

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Rosie pov

I woke up and walked to see Raph after Mikey with a wooden spoon they ran at me. I scream and got pushed in the lair's pool I got out of the pool and throw up water then chokes I walk to the dojo and still choking from water I walk in the dojo to see Leo working on something, onīsan anata ga yatte (big bro what are you doing) I asked Leo screamed, opps sorry I said" it's alright Leo said" why is Raph after Mikey with a wooden spoon I asked" I don't know Leo said" if they don't stop you're going to hurt someone because I just got pushed in the water I said Leo looks at me with eyes widen, you ok Leo asked" yeah I said then Raph and Mikey came running in Leo and I shake are heads, so you went joins us to go to the surface Leo said" you went to the surface without me I said then Leo realize what he said and nodded I just walked out of the dojo to exit and walk though the swears, my brothers are selfish sometimes keeping secrets from me I said to myself then I see a manhole. I smile and climb the ladder to the manhole and open it and closed it and went to the rooftops and had my fun. I jumped to a rooftop that was a little to high and grab on the ledge and looked down my eyes widen in horror then I realized my grip on the ledge of the building was slipping I gulped then my grip let go I scream then someone cot me by the arm I looked up to see who cot me then I see royal blue eyes then I realized that I am in trouble. When Leo pulled me up and I see tears coming down his cheeks, Gomen'nasai (I'm sorry) I said"Ī nda yo (it's okay) Leo said" Īe, chigaimasu (no it's not) I said" Hai,-sōdesu (yes it is) Leo said then pull out something.  It was a charm bracelet

  It was a charm bracelet

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I gasp when Leo it on. I looked at it with widen eyes then smile and hugs him. Leo chuckles and hugs back,  arigatōgozaimashita (thank you) I said" dōitashimashite (your welcome) Leo said then Leo picks up me bridal style I laugh,  nanishiteruno
(what are you doing) I asked" anata o hiroimasu (picking you up) Leo said" thank you I said and kiss his cheek. Leo blush I giggle Leo smile and kiss my forehead then Raph and Donnie and Mikey came running, Leo is the plan set Raph asked Leo nodded, what plan I asked" well when you were asleep Donnie saw a girl then these people kidnap them Leo said with a nervous chuckle, what! I yelled" yeah Mikey said" then let me come with you guys I said" no! Leo yelled" what why not I said" because I don't want you hurt Leo said" Leo please I will be by your side I said" fine Leo said" yeah!! I said Leo chuckles and shakes his head.

Leo pov

I have bad feeling about this. Letting  Rosie come with us.

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