Turtle temper

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Rosie pov

Me and my brothers are out to find the Kranng. Mikey well being Mikey messing with Raphael, see anything Leo asked" nothing yet Donnie said I sigh and cross my arms and looked at Raph and Mikey messing around, guys posed to be ninjas and posed be quiet I whispered hiss" not until Mikey says it Raph said" Raphael is wise and Powerful Mikey said with roll eyes" and Raph said" alright enough I whispered hiss then there was a man, what's going on the man said" oh no I said" is this a prank the man said then got angry, your idiot frogs the man yelled Raph was about grab his Sai but I stop him, let's go I said and meand my brothers walked away, that's right listen to your mommy the man said Raph stop and grab his Sai's, hey back off Raph growled" oh no I didn't know you had weapons the man said with a smile. Raph was about to attack the man but Leo and Donnie and Mikey held Raph back I was on looked out then I see the kranng then they saw me I growled at Raph then the kranng shot there guns at me my eyes widen in horror and dodged them I was about to tell my brothers but the Kranng shot my arm my eyes widen and held it in pain then I felt tears well up in my eyes then ran to my brothers, we have to leave I said" why Mikey said" we just have to I said then the kranng showed up, great Raph Leo said then the kranng starts to shot at us Raph and Donnie and Mikey and Leo jumped out of the way. I jumped at the man to save him, your welcome I said and ran to fight but got shot again in the the same place I scream in pain and fell down on my knees  starts to sob in pain then got grab by the man who I just save and went into the building and looked at my arm, why are you helping me I asked" you save me it's time for me to save you the man said then looked at my arm then wrapped it, thanks I said" your welcome now  get out the man said I got up and about to get out, hey what's your name I asked" Vic is the name now get out Vic said I nodded and ran out

(I forgot to put the theme song up on top just please go with it)

Leo pov

Me and Donnie and Mikey been looking for Rosie all night Raph temper was getting away to find Rosie.
Rosie pov

I been jumping and running off of rooftops all night to find my brothers
Leo is scared and worried Raph is worried and Donnie is really worried Mikey is freaking out and worried. I sigh then I see Vic getting captured by the kranng, V-Vic I said and ran troweds the van, Vic hang on I'm coming I yelled then the van drove off with Vic, Vic!!! I yelled then fell on to my kness and start to sob then my charm bracelet with glowing dark blue

 I sigh then I see Vic getting captured by the kranng, V-Vic I said and ran troweds the van, Vic hang on I'm coming I yelled then the van drove off with Vic, Vic!!! I yelled then fell on to my kness and start to sob then my charm bracelet with glo...

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Then my eyes trun dark blue.

I got up and ran after the van with super speed then I here Mikey and Leo and Donnie yelled my name in Japanese

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I got up and ran after the van with super speed then I here Mikey and Leo and Donnie yelled my name in Japanese.

Leo pov

Me and my brothers ran to see Rosie her charm bracelet with glowing dark blue and her eyes, Rōjī! (Rosie) we yelled then we here Rosie yelled are names in Japanese, Donī! Reo! Maikī! (Donnie Leo Mikey) Rosie yelled" imōto ni hanguappu shimasu (hang on little sister) I yelled" isogimasu (hurry) Rosie yelled me and my brothers ran to help Rosie but the Kranng saw Rosie then starts to fire their guns, Rōjī!! (Rosie) I yelled then Rosie use a force field.

   My eyes widen in shock then there was a scream, Vic!! Rosie yelled then the doors open to see a mutant spider, V-Vic Rosie said then got throne off by the kranng I here Mikey growled and ran at the kranng then Donnie then I see Raph helping I s...

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   My eyes widen in shock then there was a scream, Vic!! Rosie yelled then the doors open to see a mutant spider, V-Vic Rosie said then got throne off by the kranng I here Mikey growled and ran at the kranng then Donnie then I see Raph helping I smile at Raph then ran to Rosie and help Rosie up her eyes went back to light and dark eyes and her charm bracelet stop glowing then the mutant spider ran away with no phone because of Raph broke it I helped Rosie up and looked at her bandage arm, Rosie what happened there I asked" Kranng Rosie said I nodded, who bandaged it up I asked" Vic Rosie said" who Vic Rosie I asked" the mutant spider Rosie said I nodded and put my arm around Rosie and hugs her. Rosie starts to sob, Sore wa daijōbu imōto ani wa ima k (it's ok little sister big brother is here now) I said then starts to sing a lullaby

Rosie passed out I pick her up bridal style and me and my brothers went home with Rosie in my arms.

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