Never Say Xever

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Rosie pov

Me and my brothers and April was sneaking around to a Japanese restaurant then we hered some noise when we coming, oh no purple dragons April said then me and April runs to the restaurant then we see Mr. Murakami down to the floor. I growled, Fong!! I yelled" well isn't Rosie Fong said" get out of here I said in a deep gril voice. The purple dragons walks out I stilled glared at the purple dragons, Rosie what the shell was that Raph yelled" they  weren't a theart Raph I said" gril they were beating up a blind guy Raph growls I walked out of the restaurant I ran home but got surrounded by foot then Xever and Bradford came I gulped then I here Leo was calling my name.

Leo Pov

Rosie!! Rosie come back I yelled then looked at my brothers they nodded and I ran after Rosie. When I see her she was fighting foot and Bradford and someone else. I growled and ran to help my sister, get back away from her I yelled" fall back Bradford yelled and all the foot ran then I ran Rosie who looks like she was going to passed out I picked her up bridal style and runs to the lair.

Rosie pov

I woke up. I sat up to see food on my table I picked it up and ate some my eyes widen in shock this food is so good I smiled ate some more, well looks like someone like the food someone said I looked up to see Leo I smiled has he sat down and he hugged me I hugged him back and still smiling, Rosie guess what happened  Leo said" what I said" we save Mr. Murakami Leo said" what happened I asked" he was kidnapped Leo said I nodded and hugged him more.

( I forgot to put the theme song up again I'm so sorry)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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