Monkey brains

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Rosie pov

I was watching Donnie and Mikey training. Donnie was well being Donnie and trying to get Mikey down but Mikey was doing backflips, Donnie try not to think just do I said" I can't do that Donnie said" of course you can watch I said then kicked Mikey to the floor when Mikey was doing something and thinking, hey what was that for Mikey said"  a olympics move I said sarcastically Mikey started to pout I chuckles, see you don't think just do it's easy even Mikey is thinking about something I said and about to walk out of the dojo then turn around, remember what I taught you Donatello just don't think about stuff to get bad guys or us down I said and walks out.

12 hours later in Donnie lab

I was training in the dojo with Sprinter, my daughter did you try to teach Donatello do not think just do Splinter asked" yes father but he doesn't went to listen I said" I see Splinter said then I see April and Donnie walking out of the lair, I'm going to go follow Donnie and April to make sure they'll be okay I whispered to father. Splinter nodded I walked out of the dojo and exited out the. When I started to follow April and Donnie then there was a monkey then I see the pants it was my old friend Rockwell, doctor Rockwell I said then monkey nodded, Rockwell what happened I said then Rockwell sees Donnie and April and runs to attack them, wait doctor Rockwell I said then Rockwell starts to jump to April and Donnie then attacks them I ran after Rockwell then got grabbed by the arm I looked to see Fansco, you did this didn't you I said" you cot that fast Rosie Fansco said with a chuckle I growled and pulled my arm out of his grasp then Fansco ran, Fansco!! I yelled and runs after him then got stop by Rockwell, Rockwell I'm sorry I said then Rockwell ran away, Rockwell!! I yelled and fell down on my knees and starts to sob.

Leo pov

I ran on rooftops to find Rosie then stop when I here sobbing I walk to the noise then stop when I see Rosie I walk to her and hugs her she hugs back then I started to sing her a lullaby.

Then Rosie passes out I smiled and picked her up and went home.

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