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Rosie pov

Me and my brothers are fighting the kranng. Donnie was trying to hit some  kranng then Donnie staff broke, you can't be serious I hate this thing Donnie growled then Raph came helping Donnie, we need a thing that spins really hard with weapons Raph said sarcastically I roll my eyes and smacked Raph and Donnie and in the head, owww!!! Raph and Donnie yelled" then stop being stupid and help I growled then some kranng what is about to hit Mikey I ran to Mikey and use my force field to protect Mikey.

Then Leo sliced the kranng who was shooting at me and Mikey with my force field

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Then Leo sliced the kranng who was shooting at me and Mikey with my force field. When Leo was down slicing Kranng I let go of the force field and fell down to my knees gasping for breath then passes out.

5 hours later

I woke up and went to get a drink it was one in the morning when I got to the kitchen I got my drink I sat at the table and put my head and in my arms then I got pick up by someone I looked to see who. It was Leo, what are you doing up Leo said" I was getting a drink I said Leo nodded then I realized that I was in Leo's room, what happened I asked" you passed out protecting Mikey Leo said" oh is Mikey alright I asked" he been crying all night Leo said" what I said" he thinks it's his fault Leo said" oh I said I felt like crying but Leo comforting me, Me and Raph and Mikey was in trouble Leo said" you were I said Leo nodded but smiles and hugs me I hugs back and smiles.

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