the rise of the tmnt part 2

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Leo pov

So this is it to save the people who where kidnapped. So me and my brothers and my younger sister climbed on the wall by these people so we walked in this lab or whatever, woah they are alien robots Donnie whisper" well good job Donatello you found out the mystery Rosie said sarcastically Donnie looks at her with a glare Raph and Mikey chuckles" you're a bad example Raph Donnie said" I am not Raph said then the alien robots look at us, oh no I said" umm Leo what are we going to do Rosie asked" run!! I yelled" good idea no wait alien robots behind us too you know Rosie said sarcastically then we got our weapons out and fought them Mikey grab one, see see I told you it's a brain alien and none of you believe me Mikey said" don't blame this on me I was asleep Rosie said" I'm not blaming on you Rosie I'm blaming the three Mikey said then the alien brain bit Mikey's arm, Ahh Mikey screams and throws it at alarm button, Mikey!!! We all yelled except Rosie, run! I here Rosie yelled then I looked to see more alien robots. My eyes widen and we all ran then we see Roise open a cell it was the people we saw earlier, come on this way Rosie yelled to the people then Rosie and the people ran.

Rosie pov

The people followed me to the exit then this weird snakeweed wherever came out of nowhere I backed up then I pointed to the other exit, ok you two go to the exit I'll take care of this whatever thing I said" who are you the girl asked" names Rosie just go to the exit please I said then the people ran I fought this whatever thing, I will kill you It said" you can talk! I yelled then knocked me down to the ground then I hear a growl behind me I look to see Leo my eyes widen, Snake Leo hissed then my eyes widen it was another human being I glare at Leo. Leo looks at me with sad eyes then turn back to anger at this thing then I got idea I got up then a electrocution weapon I whistled at the thing to get its attention. The thing look at me then I shot him with electrocution weapon then got fried I looked at Leo with a soft smile and runs at him and hugs him, don't scare me like that ever again Leo said I nodded then I see the girl crying I walk troweds her, hey you ok I asked" my dad got captured the girl said" what's your name I asked" names April April said" Rosie I said April smile I smile back and helped April up then went to the building where she lived.

Leo pov

We were at April apartment, you sure you be okay Donnie asked" yeah April said" hey you ok Rosie asked" just miss my dad April said" will the police help Raph asked" well robot aliens took April dad find out that's pretty silly Raph Rosie said" she has a good point April said" we're going to help you April Rosie said" it's not your fight April said" yes it is Rosie said" thanks Rosie April said and walks in the apartment Rosie waves to April April waves back Rosie smiles and tags me, tag your it Rosie said I smile and shake my head then tag Raph secretly and ran towards Rosie and tickles Rosie she laughs, anata ni ōkina nakama o aishi (Love you big bro) Rosie said" anata mo sukoshi no sis o aishi (Love you to little sis) I said Rosie smile and hugs me I hug back with a smile.

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