new friend old enemy

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Rosie pov

Me and brothers running and jumping and laughing, okay Rosie ready to jump Mikey said" yes I said" okay Ready Set Go go jump Mikey said  then I jump to do a somersault and landed it perfectly fine, come on slowpokes I said with a grin then Donnie jumped high and did a somersault and landed it perfectly, hey that was mine I said" not anymore Donnie said" come here you I yelled and ran after Donnie then Mikey did a somersault backflip and land perfectly fine, haha yeah boy Mikey yelled then Leo did a somersault front flip and land that perfectly fine then Raph smile and chuckle and jumped and did nothing but got us we screamed I moved out of the way just in time I look at my brothers who were down on the floor moaning and pain by Raph I chuckle, omoshirokatta (that was funny) I said"
Īe sōde wa arimasendeshita (no it wasn't) Donnie and Mikey said I giggled then bursted out laughter Leo smile and shakes his head then there was a noise Leo grabbed me. Me and my brothers hid Leo grabbed one of his swords then we looked to see a kitten then Mikey runs towards the kitten, aww your so cute Mikey said I roll my eyes and walks away then sees something black so I followed it then sees a old friend of mine who Chris Bradford, Bradford! I yelled" well isn't my old friend Rosie Chris Bradford said I growled then my charm bracelet started to glow red.

Then my eyes trun red

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Then my eyes trun red.

I glare at Chris Bradford with my red eyes then I here my name being called  my eyes and the glowing red stop then I looked to see Chris Bradford was gone I take a deep breath and walks to my brothers

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I glare at Chris Bradford with my red eyes then I here my name being called  my eyes and the glowing red stop then I looked to see Chris Bradford was gone I take a deep breath and walks to my brothers. When I found my brothers they had frowns on there faces, sorry I said then my charm bracelet glowed dull blue.

Then my eyes trun to dull blue

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Then my eyes trun to dull blue.

I looked down then I felt someone lift my head I see Leo doing it, trun those eyes back to light and dark brown eyes back now Leo said my eyes trun back to my eye color and smile a little, come on let's go back home Leo said

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I looked down then I felt someone lift my head I see Leo doing it, trun those eyes back to light and dark brown eyes back now Leo said my eyes trun back to my eye color and smile a little, come on let's go back home Leo said.

Back in the lair

April and Donnie and Mikey was on the couch Leo was watching Space Heroes and Raph was feeding Spike I close my eyes to meditate, I would love having Chris Bradford as a friend I here Mikey said my eyes open then widen, no! you wouldn't Mikey I said then my charm turn purple.

Then my eyes trun purple

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Then my eyes trun purple.

Then I walk out to my room then my charm bracelet stops glowing purple and my eyes I sat there for a little then starts meditate then there was a knocked on my door I growled, nandeshou (what do you went) I snapped" woah there Rosie its just me Le...

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Then I walk out to my room then my charm bracelet stops glowing purple and my eyes I sat there for a little then starts meditate then there was a knocked on my door I growled, nandeshou (what do you went) I snapped" woah there Rosie its just me Leo said I opened the door, what I said" Mikey's in trouble he made friends with Chris Bradford Leo said" after I told him not to I yelled then charm bracelet trun red.

Then I walk out to my room then my charm bracelet stops glowing purple and my eyes I sat there for a little then starts meditate then there was a knocked on my door I growled, nandeshou (what do you went) I snapped" woah there Rosie its just me Le...

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Then my eyes trun red.

I ran out of my room and ran to exit to save Mikey, Mikey when I save you me and you are going to have a long talk I said to myself

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I ran out of my room and ran to exit to save Mikey, Mikey when I save you me and you are going to have a long talk I said to myself

At Chris Bradford Place

I used stealth to sneak into Chris Bradford dojo I growled when I see foot ninjas around my brother then I knocked every single one out to get to Mikey, Rosie you were awesome Mikey said" shhh I'll have you out in a  second I whisper then I cut my brother rops off then we ran to the lair, you're right Rosie never trust Chris Bradford Mikey said" hey I get you were lonely you can hang out with me if you want to tell me secrets and stuff I said" really Mikey said I nodded and smile.

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