Chapter Forty-Three

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"Brother." The woman nodded, her head tilting only slightly.

Okay, so she wasn't human, or she wouldn't have seen me. Not to mention the floating. I narrowed my eyes and jumped to my feet. Who was she to know my name?

"It is nice to meet you," she said in a soft voice using perfect enunciation and extended her hand.

I looked down to see brightly painted red nails protruding from the hand half-hidden by her sleeve and took a step backwards. Were those claws or fingernails?

Using the full weight of my natural authority, I demanded. "Who are you?"

She didn't flinch.

"You know who I am," she said, tinkling with laughter. She looked around the clearing and a spark lit her eyes. "Is this your handiwork?"

I nodded, following her gaze. Then it hit me like ice water thrown in my face. "Which Sister are you? Why are you here? I thought I wasn't supposed to know anything?"

"Yes, well, that was the plan." She gazed at me pointedly and folded her hands in front of her, cocking her head to the side like it was somehow my fault she was here when all of this was her—and her sisters'—plan. "You seem inclined to find another way to go about things."

Shrugging, I raised my chin before turning my back to her. "Which Sister are you?"

"I am Lachesis," she said without moving, though her voice elevated slightly, echoing to reach me as though she was standing directly in front of me. "I am quite surprised a Guardian was not sent to protect the girl. I am happy with the outcome."

"Are you serious?" I growled, turning back to face her. "Do you know what your plan has done? Even if I find a way through this, she'll never know me, not truly. I was ready to fall for her. Do you understand? Your plan has ruined everything. Do whatever you want to me, but this plan? It has ruined her, and I'm not okay with that. And it damn well shouldn't be making you happy."

She unfolded her hands and lifted the front of her dress to reveal a pair of dainty red, pointed slippers as she glided to one of the fallen trees lying on its side where sat down. She began rearranging the folds of her dress around her as though she had all the time in the world.

Lachesis raised her head to glance at me and pointed to the fallen tree across from her and said, "Come. Sit. We shall talk about this."

I rolled my eyes but obeyed. Whatever she had to say wouldn't change my mind, but the fact that she had sought me out meant that my brother had been mistaken. If I couldn't change what they wanted to happen, she never would have come. If it meant finding out what I could do to change it, it was worth hearing her out.

"Maybe you should start. Why was I requested? You said you were surprised to see it wasn't a Guardian who was sent to the girl, yet I was told that it had been a request specifically made by you for me." I schooled my expression so that no emotion showed and blinked at her.

"You do not like the plan the First Brother has presented, do you?" She crossed her hands neatly in her lap again and ignored my questions.

"I will find a way around it."

"You have the ability to do that, sure, but do you know the consequences?" She cocked her head to the side. "I know you and your brothers do not understand why this has happened, and I am sorry that I cannot be more enlightening. That cannot be helped. I can tell you that if you follow the plan, it will not mean the end to your love."

I snorted. "I'm immortal. I will love her for eternity, Lachesis. The reality is that I will never be able to be with her if I follow this plan of yours." I leaned forward to rest my elbows on my knees and said, "Just give me a reason. I just need one reason why I should go through with this. Why is it so important? Who is she, really, in the grand scheme of things? If you can't tell me that, then I'm sorry. I will find a way around it."

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