Chapter 5--Bay

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Chapter 5


I have been in the real world for four months, and never once do I recall the Jotunn moving so swiftly.

I only thought they were fast before now. But when someone snaps them out of their sleep-like trance, they move faster than what seems to be the speed of light, which is totally not true, but it's how it seems. My racing heart feels like at any moment it will leap out of chest from the abundance of adrenaline I have coursing through my body.

As soon as Ridge's helmet clicks into place, everything at once seemed to trigger the Warriors out of their trance. Everything goes to hell in a hand basket. Even then, something about the Warriors surrounding us still seems off. Something about them still makes me think they are still in a hypnotized state of mind. And it's all because they begin to speak in unison, saying the same words over and over again. They are partially awakened, but still being controlled.

I stumble forwards as we run, struggling to keep up with Casper and Ridge. It's proving to be a difficult task. I fall to the back of the small group of three with wide eyes. The Jotunn are much faster than I am, and I run at full speed.

None of us make any further sounds, although I am sure every single one of us want too. We're partially afraid that if we make any noise then the Warriors will come running from all directions. Right now we only have five Jotunn that are pursuing us. I can handle five Warriors. I can handle these five, but I can't handle what comes next.

I try desperately to keep up with the boys, my black hair swishing against my back as I run. I am aware my hair is tangled and becoming greasy from the lack of water to bathe in, but I don't care. My mother would care, but I don't. Besides, right now a shower seems pointless, the least of my worries, although I'd welcome one if it was offered to me.

In that precise moment I regret not pulling my hair up in a ponytail—regretting that I let it slip out beneath the helmet. I feel a sudden grasp from a hand behind that snaps up the revealed strands of my hair. The hand gives a firm yank and a loud yelp escaped my lips.

The helmet isn't completely sealed on my head due to my hair being caught within it. As my hair is grasped, the force causes the helmet to unlatch and fall to the ground as the hand tugs. My scream interrupts the silent night. I wish I wouldn't have made a noise, but it's too late. I already did. Maybe other Warriors won't come. Casper and Ridge skid to a complete stop as their masked faces stare back at me.

Strange gargling sounds escape from the mouth of the Jotunn who has my hair tangled in its glove. Its voice sounds strident. The sound he makes reminds me of the sound of nails scraping against a chalkboard. But the words uttered from the squealing Warrior's mouth truly catch me off guard.

"You. Will. Bow." It garbles.

"Bay?" I hear Willow's voice loud and clear in my ear. "Calyx, what on earth are your soldiers doing?"

"I don't know! I am not controlling them!" I hear Calyx's voice in the background.

"Well then who is? We are the only ones in the control room!" She seethes in reply.

Waiting for any assistance from them won't help me—not this time. I have no other choice but to take matters into my own hands. I remove my hands from trying to free my hair and grasp one of the weapons that the suit is equipped with. I cock the weapon, electricity powering through it as I did. Stun gun? No, a pulsar—a bolt gun. I learned a thing or two about the Jotunn over the past few months. One of those being that they can die by anything except natural causes. They are not immortal, but I find it difficult to kill them with guns of any sort. I never used a pulsar before, so I am anxious to find out just what it does.

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