Chapter 32--Casper

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Chapter 32


The thought that I should breathe slips my mind in that moment.

I don't hear Bay. I don't hear Ridge. I just hear the wind. Howling, a hollow-sounding whistle echoing from it. I feel my body clam up and I still can't breathe. I can't breathe until I know Bay and Ridge are still safe—still alive.

"Ridge!" I scream, voice cracking.

No reply. If there is a reply I wouldn't be able to hear it above the wind.

I slam on the brakes to the vehicle, unable to stand it any longer. I hear a sharp scream and a strand of curses. I breathe at last, a breath of sweet relief. I reposition myself so that I look over my shoulder. I see Ridge flat on the floor of the vehicle, clutching the waist of a bloodied Bay. Her foot must have kicked Ridge in the face when he grasped her ankles because his nose is gushing.

I'm so relieved Bay is alive that I hardly notice how injured she is.

"Thank God!" I say shakily.

She smiles at me, wiggling herself off of Ridge. "We need to get going."

I nod and take off once more, heart still racing with adrenaline. The Jotunn are much further behind, but still a pressing matter. Regardless, we've shaken them for now.

"I told you that you could trust me." Ridge murmurs.

"I only let go because Casper told me to trust him. Regardless of what you've done, you're still what made me kill my father. You're a Jotunn—fully converted or not."

"Bay, sweetheart, just thank the guy, okay? He risked his life for you." I reply.

I look into the rearview mirror to see her roll her eyes.

I sigh and look forward once again, seeing a main road approaching from my left side. I ease the car towards it, anxious to get out of these woods.

"Thanks, Ridge." I hear Bay say at last.

I smile a little.


The car is trash as of now. Two of the doors are gone, lost somewhere in the woods that we left an hour or so ago. It's just now 6:30 in the morning. Bay moves back up into the passenger seat and goes to buckle up only to find the buckle is severed as well.

Since then she has closed her eyes to try and rest up. I make sure she is leaning my direction instead of towards her side of the car that lacks its door. Her face is bloodied from scratches of brush and shattered glass. It hurts my heart to know I let that happen, but to know there wasn't anything else I could do in that moment. I could have lost her—but that wasn't an option.

I take this opportunity of both Ridge and Bay being asleep to think back on my time in New York. I remember the loss of my mother and how hard it was for me and I can only imagine the pain Bay struggles with of how she killed Kole. She struggles with how she should tell her mom about Kole, for that matter. I would never say this to her because how she blames herself for it—but I will have to tell Mrs. Hanson that I got her last child killed. I promised her before this trip that I would protect Eli with my life, but I got so caught up in saving Zachary in the car ride that I broke my promise. A promise Bay could never know about because she hurts enough as it is. Last thing she needs is me adding to her hurt and stress.


I sit in the third funeral service for the week. Except this time it is different. This time it is for my mother.

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