Chapter 24--Willow

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Chapter 24


I shove Axton's clammy hand away from my face and rush over to where the two girls stand.

Both of the girls appear to be in a dazed stupor, fear ever present in their eyes. It takes me a minute to figure out which of the two is injured. I see Demetria's hand stained a deep red with blood caked under her fingernails and the puddle of crimson at their feet grows larger and larger—I realize I am standing in the puddle of her own blood upon rushing to her side. She isn't going to make it. I know she isn't. I struggle to believe she will survive, turning to face Axton. I won't let her die.

"We need to get moving," I say in a hushed tone, the Jotunn on guard nearby shift in their positions.

Axton shakes his head. "Firstly, Kindred, we have more important matters to deal with."

"More important?" I hiss.

He removes his helmet from his head once more, that vibrant red hair greeting me. "Four things, Willow. Four simple things. The first being that Calyx hasn't given us the go ahead to leave. Two, we haven't even started the generator. Three, your friend here isn't the only thing that matters. Which brings us to number four. I really did think you were smart, Kindred. I thought you knew and understood war strategies! I thought—"

My hand connects with his cheek, forcing him into a stunned silence. His face jerks to the side before he rolls his neck and looks back at me.

I jab my index finger into his chest as tears begin to flood my vision. "You know, for a second I thought I could trust you. I thought maybe you were like Bay's ally, Ridge. Maybe you weren't fully converted, maybe you weren't a full on Jotunn. But I was clearly wrong. Which is an extremely rare thing for me, because I'm never wrong." I shake my head.

"But as it turns out, you are just as bad as the rest of the Warriors. Died at the age of twenty-one and became a murderer in your after-life. Well guess what, Axton?" A tear falls down my cheek. I hate when people make me feel like this—helpless, alone, afraid.

"You can do the rest of this shit on your own. Because unlike you, I have people I care about. People that I am risking my own life for to ensure they get a second chance at living. To instill in their minds that maybe one day they can sleep soundly. That they will never have to worry about whether or not they will see the morning light of the next day to come. I am doing this for the parents I never knew, for the people I love, for the people of New York. Not for anyone else and most definitely not for myself. I save them," I point my finger back at Avery and Demetria, "because they save me. They are what matters to me. Right now, while I am all the way across country, they are all I have. And you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Willow," Axton whispers as I look back at him. His face is pale.

"Save it for another time," I turn back around to the girls before I see why Axton looks so scared. It isn't because of my words.

When I went into my defensive mode, I forgot to keep my voice a whisper. Surrounding the four of us are about ten Warriors, pulsars and handguns aimed and at the ready. I gulp and reach for my pulsar. My hands slide slowly along the white, padded suit I wear.

I really screwed up this time.


Calyx still barks orders from outside of the generator room. We are left stranded on the inside. We need to start the generator, but even once we start it, we can't leave the room until she gives the go ahead. If we go before she's ready only God knows what would happen.

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