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Drowning sounds so pleasant, 

Sure at first your struggle,

But eventually you'll calm down, 

And drift to sleep.

I want to go to a beach, 

One without sand or people, 

One with rocks and loud crashing waves,

I'd wear a jacket and pants with loads of pockets.

Standing in front of the water, 

Filling my pockets with rocks, 

Staring into the endless ocean, 

I'd walk forward

Walking until I'm on my tippy toes,

I'd take one final look around, 

Then lunge myself forward, 

I'd slowly sink down.

My eyes are opened,

My legs are at my chest,

My lungs are begging for air,

I'd start getting tired.

My eyes close,

My lungs give up,

My brain shuts down,

I'd be at peace.


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