Chapter 1

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"Get away from me, you freak!"
"Go fucking kill yourself already!"

Nobody would care if I died. Nobody. Not even Kuro, probably. Obviously none of my ex-friends would give a shit, but I still love them with all my heart. That's why I'm going to leave. So then, at least I won't cause trouble for everyone.

Rin sighs, tears building in his eyes. He's going to do it. He'll need some assistance though. And by assistance he means his brother's several blessed blades and holy water bullet-filled pistols, locked in a trunk 'hidden' in the dorms.

He retrieves the trunk Yukio 'hides' under some floorboards on the ground floor. He easily lifts it, along with a notebook and pen, and carries the items up to the roof.

He knows his brother put a charm on the trunk so that he is notified every time it's opened. Rin plans his actions thoroughly, deciding to write his note before opening the trunk. The tears building in his eyes begin to spill out and down his cheeks.

As he finishes writing his letter, he gently closes the notebook and places it on the concrete rooftop of the dorms, along with his backpack, blazer, and shoes. It is only then that he begins fumbling with the lock on Yukio's trunk. He finally opens it by crushing the lock, then glances over his choices of blades and pistols.

He easily chooses his pistol of choice: the one Yukio threatened to kill him with on multiple occasions.

The blades, however, are more difficult. He needs one for each of his friends, each blade representing his love for them.

After a few moments of thought, he grabs his choice of blades, making sure to check the sharpness of each one.

For Shiemi, a blade engraved with various plants.
For Izumo, one engraved with several swirls and curls.
Bon's is a geometric design.
Shura's blade is engraved with a crosshatch pattern.
Shima's and Konekomaru's are engraved with the same design as Bon's.
For Shiro, an ornate dagger decorated with a dragon's head at the tip of the handle.
For Kuro, he will use his Koma sword, and finally, for Yukio he will use the pistol he snatched a few minutes ago.

He stands and takes one last glance at the campus of True Cross, admiring the beauty of the sunset shining in his face.

I Wish I Could Stay ~ Suicidal Rin OkumuraWhere stories live. Discover now