Chapter 7 ~ Truly Gone Pt. 2

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Shiemi's P.O.V.

I hesitantly open my letter to see dried tears on the paper.

Dear Shiemi,

You were a good first friend to me. I understand that you didn't want to talk to me, I wouldn't talk to me either.

Izumo is going to help you with your social skills so you can have lots of friends and be happy.

I'm sorry for leaving, I know you'll hurt the most. I hope you can forgive me; I just couldn't find anymore reasons to stay alive.

I love you a lot and I hope you will forget about me and go be happy with your friends.

Thanks for everything.
~ Rin

"NOOOO!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. "Rin you weren't a burden on anyone! Please come back, Rin. I don't want to forget about you!" I break down, crumbling into the concrete.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and hear the hoarse voice of Izumo.

"Shiemi, I understand how you feel. Let me help you please?" She says with puffy cheeks and red eyes.

I nod sadly, gazing once more at the piece of paper in my hand.

"I just want him back!" I sob, and I can sense in the heavy atmosphere that the others feel the same way.

I Wish I Could Stay ~ Suicidal Rin OkumuraWhere stories live. Discover now