Chapter 2

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Yukio's POV ~ Back at Class

I enter the classroom to see Bon snickering at something that had occurred earlier. The others looked uptight and slightly anxious. A quick glance around the class provides no sight of Rin.

"Class, where is Rin?" I question.

"..... He was here a little while ago, but he left." Shiemi pipes up.

Great. That idiot ran off again. He never learns his lesson, does he? However, class must go on.

"Alright, today we will be learning about demon anatomy. Listen very carefully, this will come in handy for future missions."

I continue my lecture and space out so much that I almost don't hear the notification that my weapons trunk has been opened. A small apparition appears and whispers, "Your weapons store has been opened. How would you like to proceed?"

I freeze. No one should know the location of my hidden unit.

"Oi, Sensei, are you alright?" Shima asks.

Soon, the other students are worrying as well. My body is frozen in place and I can't think of what to do.

"Who opened the trunk?" I ask the spirit currently floating near my ear.

"Your brother, Rin Okumura, sir."

Shit fucking shit! I knew I should've come to class with him. He's cutting again. I know, because I've walked in on him once before. The sizzle of the blessed blades must give him more of a rush, I guess.

But then the spirit whispers something that makes my heart sink. "Sir, he's removed seven blades. How do you wish to proceed?"

Fuck! Nonono! Rin can't be... I need to save him!

My face visibly pales and the students notice.

"Teach," Bon asks warily, "what's going on?"

His voice snaps me out of my trance. I remember that Rin is in serious trouble.

"Rin...." I mumble loud enough for my students to hear.

"W-what about Rin? Is h-he okay?" Shiemi stutters.

"We need to go. Now!" I shout, causing the class to flinch.

Before I leave, the apparition speaks once more. "Sir, Rin is dying. If you want to save him, then you must hurry at once."

"FUUUCK!!!!" I cry and begin sprinting back towards the dorms. Tears spill down my cheeks, thinking of how much pain my brother must be in.

I Wish I Could Stay ~ Suicidal Rin OkumuraWhere stories live. Discover now