Tangerine Remises

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Hypnos POV

The leaves crunching under our boots is the only thing making a sound in the tranquil environment. The scenery looked surreal as it looked it came from a fairytale.

Trees scattered across the landscape is what I saw, but filled my vision was orange. Every single leaf of each branch had its own description of orange. The trees dark trunks the only thing that stands out. Piles and piles of leaves lay on the soft earth, having fallen from their perch.

Trita and I were walking amongst them in silence. Though it was not an awkward one, merely comfortable that we don't have to start up a conversation to not create tension.

It was any other ordinary, well as ordinary as you could get for a god. It was one of those free days that I could do whatever I want, and who better to spend it with than my beautiful wife.

A fierce lioness that she is, always confident and loves to talk back. Never one to stand down, unless she gets shy. I'm the holder of that title, and the only one to at that.

I admit, my ego does take visits to Russia when I get the chance to make her cheeks glow a rosy red, or make her confident comebacks into the most adorable stutters. I smile at the thought of me being the only person to ever feel that, my little tiger.

"What's with that goofy smile on your face, dork?"

I turn my head to face the woman, whose best friend holds my brother's cold heart captive, and the love of my life. Her green orbs shine brightly against orange leaves, making good for a photograph.

I lifted our intertwined hands up to my lips and gently kissed her skin, "Nothing my dear, just thinking about how I am the only one who can make blush as hard as a schoolgirl."

She rolled her eyes and looked away, suddenly interested in each of the brown barks we pass by. Once I look over at her face and see a twinge of pink painted on her cheeks, I know I won.

Trita starts to swing our hands together and begins to softly sing a tune.

"When I fall in love

It will be forever

Or I'll never fall

In love

In a restless world like this is

Love is ended before its begun

And too many moonlight kisses

Seem to cool in the warmth of the sun

When I give my heart

It will be completely

Or ill never give

My heart

And the moment I can feel that

You feel that way too

Is when I fall in love with you

In a restless world like this is

Love is ended before it's begun

And too many moonlight kisses

Seem to cool the warmth of the sun

When I give my heart

It will be completely

Or ill never give

My heart

And the moment I can feel that

you feel that way too

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