Aubergine Wine and Lies

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Hello and Happy early Halloween!

I had some motivation left in my system and decided to burn out my brain cells by writing this monster of a piece!

Where ever you are in the world, even if you don't celebrate this holiday- I just wish you a safe, healthy, and good day! Thank you guys so much for sticking around and reading my versions of The Dawn series! Means a lot!

Where ever you are in the world, even if you don't celebrate this holiday- I just wish you a safe, healthy, and good day! Thank you guys so much for sticking around and reading my versions of The Dawn series! Means a lot!

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This was humiliating.

Hypnos looked at his brother in utter misery as he tried to sip his glass of wine without getting his- accentuated, hair in it.

If it had been any other day, he would be cackling on the floor at the sheer embarrassment that gleamed in Thanatos' red eyes as they gazed anywhere but to themselves. Sadly, Hypnos was in the exact same predicament as his twin brother, so he can't really say shit.


That mad woman!

She has truly gone to far with this blasted holiday! What even is the purpose of having such a day that its only for children to get cavities the size of roman armies? Ridiculous!

Poseidon did little to hide his snickering, his fake lab coat had speckles of garnet blood all around its edges, some of it being the wine he had spilled on himself earlier. "I guess you can say that, you both are... double trouble!"

Hypnos and Thanatos groaned out loud to their old friend's horrible pun. Normally, when it came to deciding something with Trita, there were compromises. Hypnos often had to be the reason in the relationship with the fire cracker or else everything will go up in jumbled flames. Its not to say that he didn't like it that way, he's had plenty of experience with hot-heads before and he can certainly call himself a professional at this time.

But on Halloween, there is no compromising.

It's either Trita's way, or the highway.

And this year she had the absolute brilliant idea of getting Hypnos and Thanatos special costumes. What are those costumes you may ask? The ones fit for twins.

Thanatos whipped his head back in annoyance to blow the thick strand of blue hair from his face as the rest of the messy blob on his head swayed like seagrass in a current. Their red pants and shirts stood out boldly in the room where everyone else's costumes were muted colors. On their chests, a giant white circle was painted with Hypnos having number 1 on it and Thanatos being number 2.

They were fucking dressed up as Thing 1 and Thing 2.

If you haven't heard of them, they are fictional twin characters from 'The Cat In The Hat' book. There really isn't a description as too what they are- rather they are just, things.

The costumes were a revenge plot against Thanatos for changing up the costume that Trita gave him. Hypnos was unfortunately dragged into the mess when Trita found out that Hypnos helped his brother out in hiding his scheme from him.

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