Daylight In Jade

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Hello everyone! Thank you to all of you who have given this book a chance, since I could never compare to the writing skills of Devita33.

I will forever be in love with the series.

I really don't know where this one's going to go, but it usually takes me only 2 hours to work on one so, let's see what my little brain can come up with.

I don't know how much creative juice I still got but, I will be a passenger on the Dawn cruise selling around the Mediterranean. Actually..... *Light Bulb* Alright hope you enjoy this little story, I have some writing to do!


"No, absolutely not"

"Now, now Apollo! Think about the benefits this will-"

"Benefits my perfectly tanned ass! You just want a reason to see me make a fool of myself!"

"Come on, it won't be that-"

"No, Aurora that's fin-"

"I swear on Zeus's faithfulness if you interrupt me one more time!"

Apollo closed his mouth before he could further argue. Aurora released a breathe, calming her down before she shot fire out of her fingers.

She sighed, "Apollo, listen to me, this could be a great opportunity for you. You've been staring at her the whole damn time." She gazed around before leaning in and proceeded to say in a hushed tone, "Thanatos is getting suspicious, I'm going, to be honest with you, if he catches on, there's no stopping Death from doing his job- Big Bro style."

Apollo gulped and glanced at the said god, who was talking to Hades about welfare. He turned back to Aurora.

"Which is exactly why its a bad idea."

"What's so bad about taking her out on a date?"

The woman in question was walking over to them with a glass of wine in her hand and her purple gown being blown gently by the spring breeze. Aurora beamed a smile while Apollo grimaced, quickly thinking of a plan to fly into the Sun.

"Hemera! Are you enjoying yourself, dear?" Aurora smiled softly at her sister-in-law.

"I'm doing well." Hemera grinned before she noticed the young king sitting next to her.

But wait- why was he so shiny?

Apollo was sweating swords as Hemera looked at him, analyzing him. After a few painful seconds and a near case of hyperhidrosis later, she gives him a light smile and nodded, "Apollo, haven't seen you in a while, how are you?"

The Sun god stammered before replying shakily, "Hemera, it's good to see you too. I am very well! You know how it is, taking care of a kingdom is a stressful job."

Both women looked at him weirdly, one of them more amused than the other. Can you guess who?

Aurora smiled smugly at him and looked up at the goddess, "Hemera, Apollo here would like to ask you something."

Apollo expected to hear her sweet feminine voice but instead a deep baritone, with hints of malice- replied, "Oh? And what would that be?"

'Ah Hell' Aurora thought.

Thanatos stood tall as he stared down the king like he was a mouse while coming behind his wife's chair. His red eyes narrow as his attention is momentarily focused on massaging Aurora's shoulders, while his mind is pinpointed on Apollo.

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