Golden Hour Shining

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It was a quiet, serene afternoon at the palace. Dusk was arriving with its cantaloupe hues blanketing the sky while making the clouds blush with a soft pink.

Thanatos was sitting on one of the plush chairs that adorned the balcony to his chamber; occasionally sipping some red wine in a silver chalice. It was a rather strange sight- not seeing any of the girls wallowing around under the canopy of the trees or gossiping in the armchairs that were scattered about in the patio.

But, it was a nice sight, after all, he only had one woman in mind that made him forget the rest of the world; letting the sounds around him turn into dust. His red eyes slanted at the thought of this new found obsession- an obsession that would unknowingly be forever.

Thanatos sighed quietly as he looked out onto the gardens. All the plants and flowers were in full bloom with different shades of blues and violets. Again the dark god sighed dejectedly, having missed the warmth of his angel in his embrace; assuring him that she is secure and away from harm's way.

The whole fiasco involving Deliah drained her dry. Aurora was taking time off of her studies, which at first she disagreed to but only after Thanatos snuck into her room and convinced her with other motives.

Today, Aurora was relaxing and replenishing her energy, meaning being all by herself and no one was to bother her. Thanatos had to stop himself from teleporting to her room, knowing he would drain her even further.

'But, what's the harm in boosting her stamina?' He asked himself while standing outside of her chamber, his black-gloved hand already made its way around the gold doorknob. Thanatos instead shook his head and went back to his room to find something that can distract him.

Now, here he was, drinking himself into oblivion while daydreaming about blue eyes and golden locks.


He slammed his drink hard against a nearby table, the wood making a solid crack before collapsing into halves. Clutching his warm head filled with racing thoughts, the god of death couldn't control it anymore. Nevermind that- he didn't want to take the reins.

He needed her, craved her. Aurora...

His mind was already made up, nothing was going to stop him from getting to the beautiful woman who had been permanently imprinted into his mind; like an obsessive melody. With his eyes filled with determination, he stood up to venture out, but something caught his red gaze as he turned towards the open doors.

It was nearly dark, the sun only letting out selective beams of golden light shine down. These beams were currently draped on an exquisite jewel that made this ancient being's heart came alive. Thanatos leaned over the stone railing, not at all afraid of being caught staring.

Almighty Chaos... she was simply-dazzling.

He watched on as the marvelous beauty strode through the vast landscape filled with blooming flowers as the sun followed her like a spotlight on a stage. Aurora's blond hair was swept over one side, exposing her neck- making Thanatos suddenly realize he was hungry, so very very hungry.

Aurora's dress fluttered behind her as she walked on; it's baby blue complexion having a stark contrast against the dark colorings of the blooms that resided all around her. The pearls that held the assemble together glistened and shined in their ivory glory. They delicately jingled against her shoulders and back.

Thanatos stared with a hiccuping heart as Aurora stopped in front of a patch of flourishing lavenders. The god was so busy in his fantasy that he didn't notice the stiffness in his posture, not until he looked at her eyes. The emotion that was swirling behind those turquoise gems brought him out of his stupor.

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