Chapter 9 Anaylsis

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A sum up of today's chapter:

Thanatos is feeling very overwhelmed. Even if he may not show it, he does not like crowded places like parties. It's mostly due to the trauma he's endured when he and Hypnos were teenagers and his mother dressed him up in those suffocating clothes.

And the brothers are friends again! Not a very relieving sort though. This is the aftermath, what happens after they are done ignoring each other after their violent fights. One of them has to go up to the other and admit defeat. I can't help but think that Hypnos is the one to do all the apologizing. Which should not be the case.

Thanatos loves his twin dearly, but his ego can get in the way of that. With this being the case, Thanatos can have a difficult time expressing his apologies or even admitting that he is in the wrong. Hypnos has to be the one to step up and confront his brother. And if he blames Thanatos for being in the wrong, they will go back to isolating each other or even worse, throwing fists. So he is stuck in a position of a never ending cycle.

Aurora will be the one to shape Thanatos right, guide him to release his emotions and to heal himself not only for himself- but for his brother as well.

The engagement party is not necessarily open to the public, you have to be somebody here. Either it be a fling of the royal family or a close friend of theirs, everyone needs to have an affiliation to the Old Family to attend, if not suspicions will be raised. This was Aurora's first mistake when going to the party, if she was going to the party, the least Hecate can provide her is with a good alibi that solidifies Aurora's presence so she won't have trouble getting around.

Instead Aurora had to figure it out herself, and while she can make an effortless lie, she is still not knowledgeable of how Thanatos' works with his society.

Now back to the engagement party, everyone there seems to know that the siblings do not want to marry each other, so no one says anything when Thanatos flirts or escapes with several women. Its something with the Greeks that if the spouse is unfaithful, there was generally nothing you can do about it, just let it happen.

Dolos and Moros are back! The two trouble-making younger brothers of Thanatos, they are here to party. They obviously know about Thanatos' dilemma with the engagement and decide to take it into their own hands to make him have fun with what he has. They may have good intentions with their doing, but there's only some much help alcohol can provide before a splitting headache dawns.

And of course, Thanatos gets winded into the Nectar, a very strong liquid that even the most sober gods can't resist. He gets close with a few women and hangs around Hypnos.

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