Chapter 7 Analysis

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I'm going to tear up.

Surprise! Apollo and Poseidon have arrived!

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Surprise! Apollo and Poseidon have arrived!

And boy, do they look like Mother Nature has taken a bat across their faces. As we all know, Due to Thanatos' sudden ruling, it left the two royals no choice but to run. Some may question why Poseidon ran when he could have gotten a pardon as Hades did. Pardon, meaning Thanatos could have gotten him a job by his side in dealing with the empire. And it comes as no surprise that Poseidon refuses to bend at the will of a family that took everything from him.

The sheer grief, anguish, and anger that rocks his voice almost brought me to tears when he spoke of Thanatos. He considered him a brother and then betrayed him by killing most of his family members to rule a throne that was not meant for his own to take. It's heartbreaking to see that these two individuals once seen as friends to Thanatos now want to drive a spear through his heart.

Apollo and Poseidon's appearance ties into the chapter's title. Camaraderie's are mutual trust and friendship among people who spend time together. And as we can see, they both have had to spend a lot of time together due to circumstances.

Let's inspect the brief mentioning of Thanatos' marriage to Hemera. Poseidon seems to have noticed that Apollo has taken a liking to her. Apollo himself seems bitter about the arrangement, but what could he do?

They both need a plan and fast if they want to survive in Thanatos' empire. With the help of Poseidon's boo, Amphitrite, they have managed to invade the spies Thanatos has planted across the world. Poseidon doesn't have much to worry about if he ever gets caught. He will be offered a pardon to work alongside Thanatos and have his title and domain taken away. However, Apollo's fate isn't as simple.

He is still a prince, the heir to Zeus throne. The only legitimate piece that can possibly overthrow Thanatos.

Ares had a chance, but the populace does not like him at all, plus when he joined Thanatos' side, that chance flew away like paper in the wind. Apollo though, he still has a chance if he can plan it out correctly. He was taught magic by Thanatos and has his own tricks up his sleeve as well. He is able to use transformation magic to disguise himself perfectly as an elderly gentleman.

The problem is, Thanatos is incredibly intelligent and will not hesitate to get rid of anyone that threatens his reign. And that's what hurts them both most. That Thanatos will choose his power, ruling, and throne over them, the people he once considered his best friends.

It's a very complicated situation indeed, but they can not spend their whole lives running. It's draining and debilitating to them both. Poseidon does not want his nephew to be caught and stays by his side while Apollo is slowly disintegrating. Hm.

Also, the notion that money can get you anywhere rings true in Olympus by the show of coin Apollo gives the bartender in bribery to give them a room for the night. How unprofessional.

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