XVIII : Are You Dumb?

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You slid on the ground, avoiding Roma's kagune by a mere inch. Maybe less.

How was she so strong? You have been struggling to keep up with her for the last ten minutes straight. She was a lot stronger than you had anticipated. You started to regret not reading her entire Cochlea profile when you had the chance... You don't even know what type of kagune she has! That thing was emerging from like, every inch of her back! At some point it even pierced through her own stomach in a desperate attempt to finally kill you (she missed though, thank goodness).

The only thing you have on your side is your transparent rinkaku kakuja that makes it tougher for her to anticipate or block. But even so, you don't think you landed a single blow on her yet. No wonder she was able to break free from Cochlea, that girl is the very definition of "don't judge a book by its cover".

She smiles at you once again. You see the bloodlust in her eyes and it's absolutely terrifying. "I can see why you've been an issue for us." An issue for who?! What did you ever do to the ghouls that made them want to target you?! What, do they just not like survivors at all?

...Actually, that would sort of make sense..?

No time for conspiracy theories. Roma was ready to fucking murder you. The least you could do is make sure your defense stays strong. Training with Urie will finally pay off.

You just hoped some sort of authority would show up soon, because you can't keep this up forever.

During the fight, you noticed that Roma seems to enjoy talking to herself and/or you (even if you're too exhausted or focused to answer her). If you live through this, you've got enough information to take her down for good and know that Aogiri's been behind it all this time. They've also been the ones targeting your family, apparently. Wait, no, not 'if' you make it out alive, but WHEN you make it out alive. You have to be positive, after all. Even if you're being beat up by a ghoul that looks twelve years old. Ah, yes, you'll definitely die with honour.

You don't know when or how, but you started to get the hang of her fighting technique. It was like a super complicated pattern, to be honest, but you figured it out. A swing at your legs here, a thrust forward to attempt to stab you, a jab there and a possible kick here. Well, it's much more complicated than the way you just said it, but the point is; you understood it.

Slowly but surely, you were able to dodge with a much more developed agility and you even started to fight back. You knocked her a few meters away once, which you're really proud of. Sasaki better give you a fucking cookie for this. And a few days off.

She seemed to have noticed you were starting to catch up to her and tried to switch her pattern, but you had already analyzed most of her fighting technique by then.

It's incredible how much more intelligent you get when you've got adrenaline rushing through your veins.

"I hope they're okay. I really, really hope they're okay." Saiko muttered as she now searched the crowd for Tooru, who had gone missing a while ago. They had no idea where he went, but getting a teacher certainly doesn't take this long, does it?

"I'm fucking worried." Shirazu said, looking through the crowd for you. "Man, I hope they're okay too."

"That's it!" Urie snapped. "We're not doing shit for them right now. Do you think standing here and worrying will help them?!"

Both Saiko and Ginshi froze up. Hearing Urie scold them is one thing, but hearing him yell at them like this was a whole other experience. A much more frightening one. Shirazu gulped when Urie accusingly pointed at him. "If you love them so fucking much, why the fuck aren't you doing anything right now?! Why aren't you going in? Standing there and hoping won't help them."

Ginshi's jaw dropped at Kuki's accusation as he tried to find words to explain the situation to him. It was near impossible to correct the purple haired teen with this much shock. Especially when he noticed the hint of hurt in his Kuki's gaze (he didn't hide it well enough). One wrong move (or in this case, word) and Shirazu could be dead.

"I'm not going to stand here and do nothing." With that, he turned around and pushed through the crowd of students to get to you as quickly as possible.

"Urie!" Shirazu called, following the purple haired teen who stopped at the mention of his name (although he really shouldn't stop, considering you had technically just gone missing). "Urie, are you dumb?!" The sharp toothed male yelled. "I don't have feelings for (Y/N), man!"

The glare Kuki gave him challenged him to keep going. But he still continued because someone needed to give the guy a good wake up call. "I don't even stand a chance, dude. It's painfully obvious that you're into them and it's about damn time you do something about it!"

"For the record, I think they have a thing for you." Saiko added from behind Shirazu.

"Then why did you stop me from going in?" Urie skeptically asked.

"We're not stopping you, we're just telling you that... Don't screw it up. Save them from what ever the hell is going on and don't think of the future. Think of the present instead!" Saiko said, giving him two thumbs up. "I ship it!" That girl really can't remain serious for a long period of time, can she?

Urie turned around and made his way to the school, making sure to avoid anyone that could interfere with him or stop him from going in. Surprisingly, he made it in without any trouble. The tough part now might be finding you.

You regret fighting back so much. So damn much.

You backed away from Roma, shaking in fear.


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