II : Whisked Away

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A/N: for anyone that's confused with the timeline, things aren't exactly in chronological order for a few chapters... especially the ones that aren't in the reader's perspective.

I like complicated stuff, okay?? I'm sorry ;-;

You frantically searched around your being for the phone you felt in your pocket mere moments ago, trying to ignore the pained screams of your parents and the gross squelching their body emitted. They gave their life to save you and you weren't going to risk your own life because of this. You were going to survive, just like they told you.

Once your hand came into contact with the rectangular lifesaver, you quickly took it out of your pocket and scooted into the darkest corner of the closet you were currently hiding in, hoping the ghoul occupied with murdering your parents wouldn't notice or hear you. Your fingers worked quickly on the screen, trying to contact 911 as quickly as possible.

"911, what's your emergency?" A calm voice stated in a monotone manner on the other side. It was probably supposed to calm your nerves, but it really didn't.

"My parents got killed by a ghoul." You whispered. You knew ghouls had an incredibly accurate hearing, so you couldn't be too loud. Let's hope the lady on the other side could still hear you. "I'm all alone, he's going to find me sooner or later. I need immediate help."

"Alright sweetie, stay on the line okay? I need you to tell me where you live." The woman said in a much warmer tone than the first time she spoke. Of course she'd be more human now, you just told her you were about to get killed. And that you lost your parents.

You told her your address.

"Okay, there's a squad on their way right now, they'll be there as soon as possible. I want you to stay as calm as you are at the moment, can you do that?" She asked in a cooing tone.

"Can't do otherwise, can I?" You sassed back, causing her to snort.

"I'm sorry," She apologized before clearing her throat. "What's your name dear?"

"(Y/N) (L/N). Sixteen years old, in junior year." You flawlessly answered. "And you?"

"Yoriko." She answered. "Can you tell me where the ghoul is right now, (Y/N)?"

"It's... By the sounds, I'd say it's eating one of my parents. Maybe both." It disgusted you, but you knew it was the truth, so why would you answer with 'I don't know'?

"You're handling this really well, (Y/N)." Yoriko praised. "The Suzuya squad will have you out of there in no time."

"Alright." You answered before going completely silent. You focused on cutting out the sounds that confirmed your parents' fate (which gave you a preview of your oncoming one). Yoriko said you'd make it out, so you'd make it out, no? Yeah, you'll live. You'll live because your mother told you that's what would happen today. You'd live on.

"(Y/N), are you still with me?" Yoriko's caring voice asked. She'd be a great mother just with that tone.

"Yeah, just thinking." You admitted. "Is that squad any closer right now? Because I think that ghoul's almost done snacking on my dad."

Yeah, that was an almost heartless thing to say... Especially when you didn't have anything against your dad.

"They should be here in a few minutes, they were close by when the CCG contacted them. You just need to remain calm and as silent as possible." She informed.

By the time you registered what she had said, a loud noise echoed throughout your house. It was followed by the cracking of wood-- possibly the front door-- and the heavy footsteps of multiple people -- definitely the front door, then.

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