Chapter 9 - Disarm Me

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"I said, disarm, me." I grabbed his arm, and in a move, I had only seen done in movies, twisted it back and pushed it up towards his head. His fingers twitched and I pushed harder, hoping he would drop the knife, and smiled when he did. I could almost ignore the tingling in my hands, thanks to the adrenaline. It was then I realized we hadn't actually made skin contact until now.

I let go and stepped back satisfied with myself, ignoring the burning in my lungs and sides. "Ha! I win, and I have no experience! Maybe I'm not so weak-" I was slammed into the wall with the plastic knife against my throat. "Never," He panted, his breath fanning across my face. "Turn your back on your opponent. And never take your eyes off of the weapon." He continued talking but I didn't hear any of it. I was too focused on his eyes. They were swirling like the clouds in a winter storm. I was mesmerized. I had never seen eyes like his, and I wanted nothing more than to just stare into them. I had never been this close to them before.

I finally remembered he was talking to me, so I pulled my eyes from his and stared at his lips, trying to hear what he was saying. Nothing. They were moving, and his breath was fanning my face but I heard nothing. Wow. He has nice lips. They look so soft. "Lailah!" I jerked my eyes away from his lips and met his eyes again. "Huh?" He stepped back. "Did you hear anything I just said?" I shook my head no. "Did I hit you in the head or something?" I shook my head no again.

I felt weird. I glanced back up at him. I felt a pull. I wanted to touch him. I wanted to taste his lips and press my body against his. It was like an instinctual need to want him. I leaned back against the wall unable to take my eyes away from his. He stepped closer again. "Are you okay? You're acting weird." "Andrian," I whispered. That one word came out dripping in desire and I didn't even mean for it to. In an instant, his eyes darkened and he placed his hands on the wall on either side of my head. "Yes?" he whispered back, his tone matching my own. "I don't know what it is I'm feeling right now." He leaned in closer, dropping one arm and wrapping it around my waist. 

"I do." He lowered his eyes to my lips and then brought them back to meet my gaze again. I knew I shouldn't be this close to him. I knew I should push him away, but I couldn't bring myself to move my arms. "Lailah," He whispered, his lips mere centimeters from mine. My eyes fluttered closed, and I leaned into him. The way his touch made my skin tingle was intoxicating, and I wanted to know what his kiss would feel like. I reached up and grabbed the back of his neck, my fingers brushing the hair at the nape of his neck. It was like that was all he needed because in a split second his lips were on mine. 

The tingles shot in every direction making my body come alive. They raced down my spine and made me curl my toes; I instantly knew that I needed more. I wrapped my other arm around his neck and pulled him closer. He nipped my lower lip, sending shockwaves radiating out. I felt like I was gonna explode. I couldn't get enough of his taste, of his touch, of him. Sensing my need he picked me up and carried me over to the couch before laying us both down, never once breaking our intensifying kiss.

His mouth began to wander. He trailed kisses from my lips to my neck, nipping the tender skin where my shoulder and neck met. I couldn't help but moan. My body was on fire, and he was the lighter fluid causing it to burn more intensely. He nipped my neck again as he wrapped a hand in my hair, pulling my head back, granting him easier access to the sensitive skin there. I could have died right then and there. My body was overwhelmed with each kiss sending wave after wave of want and need to my core. 

His lips were back on mine and I took that as my chance to let my hands wander. They slid over his muscular shoulders down his back and when I reached the hem of his shirt I didn't hesitate to tug it over his head. His hands skimmed under my tank top brushing against my stomach causing me to shiver. He pushed the shirt up higher, his fingers just underneath my aching breasts. He broke the kiss long enough to pull the top over my head and I whined for more. 

I mumbled against his mouth. "Bedroom." One word was all I needed. He instantly scooped me up in his arms and carried me to my room before gently laying me back on the bed. He crawled on top of me and peppered my chest with feather-light kisses. It didn't make any sense to me, but those light little kisses had more effect on me than his others. I skimmed my hands down his sides and tugged at his jeans. I decided. I wanted him, and I wanted him now. I didn't care that I hated him this morning. No, you didn't. I shoved away the voice and flicked the button of his jeans undone when he grabbed my hands, panting. "Lailah," I whined and looked up at him. 

"There's something I have to tell you, and I think you'll want to hear it before we, you know, do this." He sat back on his heels allowing me to sit up. I sat up, and for the first time since knowing him, he looked nervous. "Uh, please don't freak out. I'm not crazy." I looked at him confused. "Okay?" He sighed and rubbed his jaw. This was a new side of Andrian, and it made him seem human, and not like he was 500 years old. I cringed internally at that number. "I'm not human." That brought me out of my thoughts. "What?" He cringed and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm something called a Tali, and I think you're my soulmate." I stared at him for a second before bursting out laughing. 

"I'm serious." I stopped laughing and looked at him. He must not realize the other part of the whole soulmates thing which means I'm actually a Tali. "I just uh, have a question." I nodded for him to go ahead and ask. "Are you really 23?" I nodded, confused. "Well uh, then this has never happened before." I leaned back and looked at him amused. "What's never happened before?" He looked at me, his eyes still dark. "A human and a Tali being soulmates." I nodded slowly. "And why is that?" He looked at me, cautious. "Because they only happen between Talis and Talis only turn at 21. and you're not a Tali, because if you were, you wouldn't be a 23-year-old human." I tapped my chin. "I believe you. But uh, why did you have to stop the whole, you know." I motioned between us. 

He smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Because that desire you're feeling now will only intensify after sex. And since we're soulmates, uh, you won't be able to go more than a few days without 'it.' At least until the whole ceremony." I stared at him horrified. "Oh great. So this feeling will get stronger?" "If we have sex, yes." I groaned and laid back on the bed. "But I'm human, so how do you know for sure it would get worse?" I don't think it would be a good idea for me to tell him who I am, I'm supposed to be keeping it under wraps with only people Zeke says it's okay to tell, and he didn't say Andrian. "I don't know for sure; I only know what happens between two Talis." 

"Fine. But you gotta continue to be an asshole so I can resist you." He chuckled as I sat up, and then I realized he was eyeing my chest. "Pervert." I crossed my arms over my bra. He leaned forward and pecked my lips before going into the bathroom. Okay. So I don't hate him. But he's an asshole, and he drives me nuts. I watched as he shut the bathroom door, then I hopped up and went searching for my tank top.  

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