Chapter 14 - How To Kill

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After spending all day in bed yesterday with the exception of eating; Andrian left early this morning around four. So when I woke up to an empty and cold bed at 10 it was kind of disappointing. I wanted to have as normal a life as possible before the Cyan Moon in 13 days and I still had a lot of stuff to take care of. I was supposed to be telling all my human friends that I'm moving out of the country for a job opportunity and I've pretty much done just that, I also quit my job about a week back and I've told everyone but Liza. 

It's gonna break her heart but I just can't find the right words. I so badly want to tell her the truth but Zeke told me not to. I sighed loudly and rolled over fumbling for my phone. There was nothing but a text from Zeke. 

You can tell Andrian about yourself after the moon okay? I know it's killing you to keep it from him but it's just for a little longer. Hang in there Lailai. -Zeke

I smiled. I had already decided on that but I'm glad he agrees that it's okay. I decided I should probably train for a while today so I got up and put on some leggings and a tank top. I texted Zeke back. 

Hey, I'm coming over to train. I'll be there soon. About 30 minutes. -Lailah 

I sat my phone on the bed and went into the closet to dig out my gym shoes as my phone pinged. It pinged again as I finished lacing up my shoes.

Make it 20. Cardio is important too. -Zeke

You better not have planned on driving. -Zeke

"Asshole," I muttered as I trodded down the steps. I had every intention of driving, and speeding, to get there in 30 minutes. I don't even know if I can make it in 20 minutes. I did a quick stretch and then I was off.

I was surprised at how easy it was. I had a 9-minute mile before my abilities and now I was guessing it was around 4-5 minutes. It felt like I was flying. Sprinting was effortless. So that's what I decided to do, sprint. 

I made it in 19 minutes flat and stopped in front of the steps to catch my breath. "Good job. A minute to spare. Next time 19 will be your goal." I looked up at Zeke standing at the top of the steps. "You were supposed to be working." He smiled. "I would never pass up a chance to train with my best friend." I glared as I made my way up the steps. Zeke led the way and I followed after him, making sure I was hyperaware. He liked to attack out of nowhere. 

He jumped off the last eight steps and landed in a superhero landing. "Idiot," I mumbled as I took the steps because that's what they were put there for. "Come on, it's fun. You're missing out." He headed toward the treadmills. Good. I wanted to work on fighting skills so over to the punching bags. I was working on different combinations of punches and kicks and trying to speed them up. It was actually pretty satisfying hearing the quick succession of thuds compared to what they were a few weeks ago. 

A lot has changed since then. I no longer have a normal life. I found out I wasn't human. My soulmate is someone I once despised. Then there's the fact that a giant crew of exiles wants to kill me as revenge for my family taking their spot. If I can just make it through that stupid night then I won't have to worry for another 20 years. This will be Zeke's 25th Cyan Moon and I can't help but wonder if he's ever been in the same situation as I have.

I was still deep in thought when the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I stopped for a second. I swear if Ezekial is trying to sneak up on me it's not gonna work. I glanced as far as my peripheral vision would allow without tipping Zeke off and I saw nothing. Hmmm. I can still hear the treadmill going but I don't hear the tapping of his feet.

I slowly came to a stop and turned around slowly. Nothing. I slowly scanned the room and Zeke was nowhere to be found. "Zeke?" My skin started prickling with goosebumps. Something isn't right. "Ezekial? Where did you go?" I began walking over to the stairs to look for him upstairs. As I reached the bottom of the steps I heard voices. Zeke was arguing with someone. I crept up the stairs carefully to not make a noise, and as I crested the stairs, I looked through the crack under the closed door. I saw feet standing across from Zeke.  "Get out of my house. She isn't here." 

I froze at the mention of my name. "You lie, I know the wretched bitch is here." The voice growled. "I know what you are, and you know I can kill you before you can even utter a spell, so, why don't you make nice and leave." I began heading back down the stairs. I wasn't ready to fight and Zeke seemed to have it covered. 

"She's here Ezekial. I can Sense her, and you will pay for protecting her." Zeke scoffed. "Whatever dude. Now leave before I make you seriously regret coming here." I watched the feet walk away, while Zeke stood there watching. Once the front door clicked closed, Zeke opened the door to the basement and froze when he saw me sitting there. I smiled sheepishly. "Hi." He sighed.

"Eavesdropping doesn't suit you, Lailah." I ignored him. "How do you kill a witch?" He sat on the step next to me. "Knife through the heart, then burn the body." Yikes. "They can come back if you don't." I just stared at him. "How do you kill a Lycan?" Zeke flashed a grin. "How do you think?" 

It couldn't be silver. There's no way. When I didn't reply, Zeke answered. "Silver through the heart." I was shocked. "No way." He laughed. "Yup." He said popping the 'p'. I opened my mouth to ask my last question and he looked at me and smiled before cutting me off. " Incubi and their female counterparts - Succubi- are killed by a knife made of erbium and blessed by a high priest."

"That sounds difficult to obtain," I muttered. "Well, they are the spawns of demons, but don't worry, the council's armory has plenty of weapons for the members who need them." Zeke stood and brushed the non-existent dust off his pants.  "Lailah, you need to meet the other three members." I sighed reluctantly. "Fine." He glanced down at me, "Go get dressed, nice like last time." 

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