Chapter 4 - The Stalker In The Woods

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When I woke up around seven at night, Zeke was gone. He had sent me a text saying he got called into work, so I didn't mind. I decided I should eat something since it's been over 12 hours since I last ate. I plopped down the stairs into my kitchen, dragging my feet the whole way. When I made it to the fridge, I dramatically pulled it open and then stood there staring.

I couldn't decide on what to eat, so I just heated some leftovers. I sat at my breakfast bar scrolling through my phone and picking at my dinner. I had to find something to do to wear me out so I could sleep tonight. I didn't mean to sleep for 11 hours. I rubbed my face and tossed the rest of my food. I couldn't eat. 

After debating between calling Liza or going for a run, I decided to run. I couldn't handle Liza right now. I needed to be alone. I needed to feel my blood rushing through me, and the sweat running down my back. I jogged up the stairs to my closet and dug out my old running shorts and a sports bra. After tying up my running shoes and queuing up my rock playlist, I headed back downstairs and out the door. I decided to run my usual route; out of the neighborhood and into the park nearby. The park was several acres, so it gave me plenty of running room.  

As I made my way into the park, I realized how foggy it was, for only nine at night. Must be from the lake. It has to be. I made my way down the trail that snaked through the park, getting closer and closer to the lake. I smiled as the cool lake air blew across my face, whipping my ponytail around. I needed fresh air, I've been stuck in my house and in the hospital way too long. 

As I rounded the mini forest of trees, I saw a shadowy figure standing by the lake off in the distance. I slowed to a stop. I've never seen anyone out here on my late night runs before. I watched the figure glide towards the lake. I watched as they stooped down and dropped something in the lake. I couldn't make out what it was due to the fog, so I made my way closer. I dipped into the tree line trying to stay hidden. 

As I got closer, I realized the shadowy figure was an old woman, wearing black robes. I took another few steps before I stepped on a branch. Crap! I slipped behind a tree as the old lady looked up. It seemed like she was looking right at me. "Ahh, a child of the Tali." 

A child of the what? "Come out, child. I know you hide in the trees." My heart rate picked up as I stepped out from the cover of the trees. "Come closer, so I may look at you, child." I moved cautiously to the old woman. When I stepped out into the moonlight, she gasped loudly. "Lailah Athenos? I thought you were dead." I stopped a few feet in front of her. "I'm sorry ma'am, but I think you have the wrong Lailah. My name is Lailah Davis." 

She smiled a sweetly. "Oh, child, you do not remember, do you?" "Remember what?" She moved closer to me and grabbed my hand. "Lailah Athenos, the Kamatayans tried to kill you when you were younger. Your mother gave her life for yours." I pulled my hand from hers. "No, my birth mother died in a house fire." She gave me a sad smile. "Is that what Kim and Brent told you?" 

I took a step back. "How do you know my parents' names?" She turned from me and glided back down to the lake. "My dear, I have seen many things, and my knowledge is vast; for I have lived for a very long time." 

"H-How old are you?" She tsked me. "It is insulting to ask a woman her age." This was getting weird fast. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you, my dear." I glared at her. "What? Like 100? That's believable; I have patients that are 107." She turned away from the lake and looked at me. "I'm five hundred and eighty-seven years old." 

My jaw dropped open. "If you think I'm stupid enough to believe that-" "Your mother was Evangeline, and your father was Abraham. Your grandmother was Lilianna, and your grandfather was Raphael.  Your great grandmother, who I was very good friends with, was Mazikeen and your great-grandfather was Jeddadiah. Must I go on?" 

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