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~corbyn's thoughts~

"i really don't want to go to this new school, i don't even understand why we had to move to LA from Boykins Va. it's retarted. ugh, i better get started on my room."

~4 hours later~

"hey mom, where is the laundry detergent?"
"um i don't know check the walmart bag, i know we got some today."

"okay, thanks."

"wait, why are you looking for laundry detergent? you don't do your laundry, i do."

"umm i wanted to try it."


~10 minutes later~

"okay, so lemme try my laundry, then i'll see if i can film a video, maybe a singing video, i don't know."

*corbyn grabs all of his dirty laundry and drags it downstairs to the basement to wash it*

"lord, why are there so many spiders down here?"

*corbyn does he laundry as a spider lands on his head and he goes back upstairs to his mom*

"um, Corbyn, don't freak out, but there's a spider on your head, let me get it."


"corbyn, hold on, let me get a paper towel"

*grabs paper towel and throws spider away*

"see corbyn, that easy"

so um sorry for the boring stuff i think next chapter will be better. love y'all girly pops.

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