━ 7.

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*the next day at school Daniel goes running to the faux blonde while he's crying*

"corbyn, are you okay? i'm so sorry." the brunette tries apologizing to the faux blonde.

daniel tried hugging corbyn, but corbyn pushes the brunette back and made him fall.

his nose bleeding daniel gets up and asks the faux blonde "why?" and then runs away crying.

"daniel, wait up!!" corbyn says with tears streaming down his face and chasing after daniel.

later that day, corbyn comes home and thinks to himself "why do i even try? i've made my best friend feel horrible."

corbyn walks into the kitchen and grabs a knife. he then walks slowly into the bathroom crying. he cuts, and cuts, and cuts himself. he falls down on the floor crying with blood going down each arm.

"i'm done trying." corbyn mumbles.
corbyn walks into the garage from the bathroom and sees a noose. he says to himself "i don't know abt today, but maybe tomorrow.

next chapter, be scared.

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