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corbyns parents arrive home to see the note on the fridge.

they both burst into tears remembering all the memories they've had with their son.

"the soccer games, the fun times. why corbyn, why?" the stepdad says as tears continue to stream down his face.

"i don't know honey but, we need to go find him, now." the mom says determined with tears still running down her face.

they both walk upstairs thinking about the times they had with corbyn. the mom starts sobbing into the stepdads arms as they approach corbyns room. they find the faux blonde hanging there. lifeless, empty, gone.

"he will always be missed." the mother said.

"yes he will but, we need to call the police." the stepdad said tears streaming down his pale face still.

they call the police and the police squad comes 10 minutes later. the police examine the body and pronounce him dead. the mom and stepdad start balling even more. the police take corbyn matthew bessons body out and take it to their car.

~two days later~

"hey, are you ready?" the mom yells from downstairs to the stepdad upstairs.

"yes honey, hold on." the stepdad yells back down.

they arrive at the church and go to see corbyns lifeless body in the casket. people start pouring into the church for corbyns funeral.

~1 hour later~
the parents of corbyn matthew besson leave the church.

"he's gone. forever." the mother says sobbing.

"i know sweetheart, i know." the stepdad says also sobbing.

so... this is the end of the book. i'm sorry it's short. i'm working on another book right now, hopefully it will be better and longer than this one. thank you all for the support on this book.♥️

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