━ 6.

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after the two walk in, daniel pushes corbyn onto the bed. he proceeds to take off his belt, teasing the blonde in the process.

"daniel? baby, i love you." corbyn says pushing his lips onto the brunettes.

daniel then rugs on corbyn's shirt until it rips off him.

the ocean eyed boy admired corbyns body. everything about him was perfect. his chest, his six-pack, just everything.

corbyn then, lifts up daniel's shirt and takes it off of him. the faux blonde then takes the shirt and ties it around his neck like a noose, corbyn started crying and the brunette couldn't figure out why.

"corbyn, babe, are you okay?" the brunette asks with his eyes starting to water.

"not really." the faux blonde manages to mumble out. "i just don't know why i even thought that being gay was a good thing."

"hey! don't say that! being gay is a wonderful thing! you can express yourself in ways other people can't."

"yeah, but, i just don't know, i never liked being gay, but i always liked boys." corbyn whimpers.

"okay, well we should get some sleep i guess if you want to. that will relax you, try not to think about it. tomorrow we have school and it's a new day. after school you can come with me, my friends Jonah and Jack, of course you and Zach, to fro-yo."

"okay, i'll go to bed, goodnight Daniel."

"goodnight Corbyn" the brunette says while he turns over and tears fall out of his eyes.


soooo ik this chapter is crazy but next chapter will be good, i promise, and i would like to thank @trust4undbaby for helping me with this chapter and my new theme, you are the best!!♥️

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