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*corbyns thoughts*

"i don't wanna start at a new school tomorrow. what if nobody likes me? what if somebody finds out i'm gay? even worse, what if they found out i've lost my virginity to a boy that goes to this school?"

*the next day*

"Corbie wake up, it's time for school!!"

"ugh, okay, i know i have to get in there early so i can fill out papers."

"yes you do, so chop chop, you have 10 minutes."

*10 minutes later*

*they hop in the car and get buckled up and head to school*

"corbyn you'll be fine, just make sure you don't, tell-"

"anybody i'm gay. i know. i know."

"hey! don't talk to me like that! i'm trying to have my patience with you and you are you making me mad!!"

"sorry, i didn't mean-"

"yes, i know, you didn't mean to make me mad. i'm sorry Corbyn, i didn't mean to yell at you, i'm just really stressed, with the whole moving thing, and your father."

"mom, calm down, you'll be fine."

*corbyn gets dropped off at school, fills out his papers, and gets his schedule*

"okay, so my locker, is number 651, combo is 7-34-5. just to find what teacher i have."

*corbyn hears a very familiar voice behind him*

"hey corbyn!! wait up!!"

*corbyn turns around, and finds his best friend from 5 years ago, Zach, standing there.*

"oh hey Zach!! i've missed you a lot! fun to find you here!"

"what teacher do you have?"

"umm.. mrs. Ritz"

"oh, same!"

"there is this boy in our class and he's pretty cute. what locker do you have he might be beside you. ;)"

*corbyn elbows Zach*

"i have locker 651"

"he is beside you!! and he's in our class, i guess we'll see what seat you sit in."

"okay, i think i'll be able to stand at least a locker beside him. what's his name?"

"his name is Daniel. he's really nic-"

"wait... Daniel Seavey, Daniel?"

"uh yeah, why?"

"no reason..."

*they get to their lockers and find Daniel standing there in shock seeing Corbyn*

*authors note*
so i hope this chapter was a bit better, next chapter, i'll write in the morning, so yeah.. have fun my dudes. booiiyyyy

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