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corbyn walks back from the garage to his bedroom and falls asleep. he wakes up to eat dinner. spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread.

"hey mom, where did dad go when he died?" the faux blonde asked quietly.

"well, sweetheart i don't know. he most likely went to heaven. he was a great man." the mom said sobbing.

"oh, ok. i just wanted to know." corbyn said crying.

corbyn went back up to his room and went back to sleep again.

*the next morning*

"ugh, i don't want to go to school, he probably told so many people and now i'm going to get bullied." the faux blonde said.

he walks downstairs to get ready and he gets on the bus.

the bus ride is an hour long for corbyn but he makes it to the high school and everybody starts laughing at him.

"haha, faggot!" a boy says from down the hall.

corbyn starts crying but makes it through the day.

he walks home sobbing and unlocks his door and runs to his bedroom.

corbyn grabs the noose and ties it around his fan sobbing.

he writes a note remembering all the messages from "friends".

"i'm sorry everybody." corbyn says quietly.

he puts the note on the fridge and puts his neck through the noose. he tightens the noose and turns his fan on. slowly the faux blonde washes away remembering all the bullying and all the anxiety and panic attacks.

i'm sorry.

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