━ 5.

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*Daniel and Zach turn the corner onto Corbyns street where his house is.*

"Hey Zach, i wonder what we're gonna start with first."

"me too, i mean i think corbyn has some good ideas, but to be honest i don't know how he knew you so well when he went up to your locker."

"umm, haha funny story Zach, that i can't explain because we're at his house!"

*Zach knocks on Corbyn's door while glaring over at Daniel*

"hey Corbyn! how are you?" Zach says while still glaring over at Daniel.

"oh, i'm fine, thanks for asking. anyway come on in."

"so how long have you been living here?" Zach asks.

"about a year and a half. i had just moved to a different school because my mom didn't like the one i was at." Corbyn says with a confused face.

"well i think we should get starting on the project." Daniel says.

"okay, well let's start with the tadpole or frog cycle and we can put it in the middle of the board." Corbyn points out.

*they keep doing their project until Daniel gets a call*

*Daniels convo otp*

"hey mom."

"hey, um me and your father are fighting again you're going to have to stay at your friends house that you're at or go to another friends house"

*tears start to stream down Daniels face*

*Daniel goes back to where Zach and Corbyn are and he asks Corbyn to come with him real quick*

"hey so my mom and dad are fighting again" Daniel says, still crying.

"yes, you can stay the night." Corbyn says, because he knows Daniel and he knows the drill for when his parents are fighting.

"Let's go back to Zach."

*they go back to where Zach is sitting and they finish a part of their project*

"I should really get going now." Zach says under his breath.

"okay! have a good night sleep i guess!" Corbyn says while Daniel nods his head.

*Zach shuts the front door and leaves while glaring over at Daniel*

"soo, sorry that i have to stay the night." Daniel says.

"oh, it's fine. can i ask you something weird?" Corbyn says shyly.

"that you wanna have se-"

"yes..." Corbyn says shyly.

"okay, well uh let's go."

*they walk to Corbyns bedroom door and open it seeing that Corbyn has a whole romantic theme in his room*

*the two walk in and jump on the bed*

*authors note*
soo next will be the spoicy chapter, be ready bois and gals.

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