Chapter 4; What Was That?

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Chapter 4; What Was That?

Wandering the land freely, Blacky kept his pace slow and even, as the horse moved between the many lower valleys. My mind was also wondering, as I was searching for any way around my newly unstable mentality.

Everything seemed to boil down to Zebb; it had been him, who had broken the connection down between my own pack and I.

Though we were a pack once again, and I was once again their alpha. I knew that the natural Grey wolves hadn't forgotten about what Zebb had reduced them down to, as there was still some slight fractures, when it came to cooperating with Jacob's pack.

It had been Zebb who had brought the poaches into the land, giving them the map and showing them the way to Whitetooth. He had been the reason for so many animals premature and unneedful deaths, - Casey.

Casey's death was natural, but I still blamed Zebb for her premature death. He had killed her mate, turning the rest of the pack against her. If Casey hadn't had left the pack and hadn't had been put through all of the stress that she had, then deep down I believed that there was a chance that she would have still been alive today.

I blamed Zebb for everything, he was at the centre of my anger, frustration and visions in which still plagued my sleeping mind. Everybody believed that Zebb was dead, killed by the very same waterfall in which I had survived.

Yet, if my visions where anything for me to go by. Then I knew Zebb had survived Misty Fall's and was alive, probably walking this land just like I was.

Jacob seemed to be the only person to believe my concerns about Zebb, about the fact that I believed that the devil himself was still alive. Everybody else just seemed to shrug me off, as if I was going crazy or as if Zebb wasn't even a problem anymore.

I wanted to be free of him, but everywhere I looked, I could see the shadows of the evil deeds Zebb had left upon the land, animals and people he had touched.

The land and it's cohabitants had healed well over the passing year, but I could still see the overcasting shadow in which only I could get rid of. Halting his pace, I slipped down off of Blacky bare back and patted the horses neck.

Blacky had wandered into the cover of some low hanging trees. Stepping away from the horse and over to a slow moving river, Blacky followed, his hooves crunching the dead brush with each step the horse took.

Crouching down and cupping up some of the clean fresh spring water within my hands, Blacky's head lowered next to me, as he too began to drink for the slow moving river.

Watching the horse carefully, I smiled and flicked a handful of water at him playfully. Shaking and snorting his head, Blacky suddenly stomped one of his front hooves down into the slow moving water, causing a small tidal wave to soak me.

Laughing, our fun was shortly interrupted, as my attention was drawn to a sudden flash of white out of my peripheral vision. Turning and jumping back up to my feet, I scanned the land between the trees, as Blacky gave another loud snort and swing of his head.

"Shh, boy."

Placing my hand upon the horse neck, Blacky quietened down somewhat, as I continued to search the land surrounding us both. The trees were sparsely spaced out, as the land rose and dipped creating plenty of hiding places beneath the canopy.

Slowly edging myself forward, I was also listening for the slightest of sounds. I was used to travelling the land alone by now, but that also didn't mean that I was completely safe.

Pulling myself up a small rocky earthed incline, by using the low hanging branches of the trees, the rustling of Blacky's movement caused me to halt and to glance back at the horse. Shushing the horse once again, there was another rustling sound that I could hear, which was not that far off from where we were both situated.

Neighing his disagreement at my interests and actions, I left Blacky where he was, as I moved further into the trees. Silence slowly wrapped its way back around me, not even the sound of the woods were alive.

As the land gradually became steeper, my pace eventually slowed, stopping all together. I hadn't actually gone that far from Blacky, maybe just a couple of meters away from the horse, when I saw the flash of whiteness again.

This time it was a lot closer, and a lot much clearer too. I had managed to catch a glimpse of a bushy white tail, slipping and disappearing quickly over a ridge of the mountain.

I was slightly confused at first, frozen to the spot, as I stared up from where I was standing. I couldn't get my mind to process what I had just seen.

Had it been a wolf, with a similar white fur coat to my own? Or was it just a wild stray dog; I had actually come across a few stray crossbreeds over the past year, which were very similar to the sled pack dogs in which we owned and where still living back at the ranch.

I had the urge to shift, but I couldn't, there were people back at the ranch who I couldn't afford to see me as a wolf. The rock was also to steep for my human self to climb.

Cursing the Wildlife Protection team, I reluctantly turned back, carefully making my way back over to Blacky. The horse had waited patiently for me, as always. Walking over to Blacky, his eyes were wide with the fear for my safety or whatever we may have both seen.

"It's alright, boy. Come on, let's head home."

Jumping up onto the horses back, Blacky turned and started to head out of the cover of the trees and back towards the ranch. I couldn't help but to glance back, my eyes scanning the ridge above the canopy one last time. But there wasn't a single thing there, - no wolf or dog that I could see.

(Unedited Draft)

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