Chapter 8; A Turn In Events

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Chapter 8; A Turn In Events

The day's had slowly gradually passed, and there were no other sightings of Zebb. The Wildlife Protection team had also seen most of the lower valley's, but they were now threatening to go off alone, if I didn't locate the Canadian wolves any time soon.

Doing as they had been taught, the natural wild grey wolves of the arctic Canadian peninsular mountains, where actually avoiding the human's successfully. But I also knew that it couldn't or wouldn't last for long, as my thoughts kept returning to Zebb.

Tossing and turning within my sleep, I was surprised that Jacob could actually sleep through, when I suffered with my terrorising visions. The visions were pretty much the same, - but like I'd said before, my dreams had taken a dramatic turn in events.

The vision first opened up, with me standing within a vastly wooded area. It was day light, as the trees canopy cast a green glow onto the world surrounding me. But the trees canopy high above also cast a dark shadow upon the land, which chilled me fear to my very bones.

At first, I didn't know what I was supposed to be seeing or looking for. But that was when I heard it, the sound of a animal running and moving swiftly between the trees cover.

Scanning the vastly wooded land, which surrounded me thickly upon all sides. I couldn't see what was causing or making the pounding sound, as I gradually turned on the spot.

Wandering between the trees, I searched the land in which I could see, as my thoughts permitted me from doing anything else. Beginning to jog, I started to push myself to move a lot quicker, as something deep within was telling me to pick up my pace.

The sound of the running animal was becoming louder, the closer I was getting. Spotting a brief flash of white fur, I knew exactly what I was being shown. Picking up my pace further, I sprinted between the thickly packed trees, as an Arctic white wolf running up ahead suddenly appeared before me.

The Arctic wolf darted between the trees with ease, as if teasing me into chasing and following it. Temporally vanishing from my view, it caused me to lose track of the white wolf for just a brief moment.

It wasn't until a minute or two later, when my feet were forced to eventually halt. That I saw the Arctic white wolf again, within all of its beautiful glory.

Stood upon a rocky mound, where the sunshine broke through, down into the small clearing. The dazzling light caused the Arctic white wolf's fur to sparkle, as it stood within a swirl of pollen and other tiny particles, which danced around its body.

Glancing back at me, as if the Arctic wolf could actually see me. The white wolf seemed to give me toothy grin, its tongue hanging lopsided from its mouth, before it vanished again and disappeared over the rocky mound.

My stomach dropped, as I didn't want to lose track of the Arctic white wolf again. Scrambling up the rocky mound, as quickly, as I could. I suddenly broke and fell through a thicket of sparse trees.

My eyes dazzled, by the sudden heighten sunlight. The stark whiteness of the snow, which now surrounded me, was strongly reflecting back the suns light.

Regaining my vision and continuing to step forward, I noticed that I was suddenly somewhere completely different. It was like I had past seamlessly from one vision into the next, without so much of a glitch.

The trees had completely vanished from behind of me and the land was mostly flat, covered in a lot of snow and ice. The ocean even sparkled within the near distance, where the sun danced across its ever moving surface.

Spotting the Arctic white wolf, out near the coasts edge. I watched as the white wolf paced back and forth, crying and whining out towards the distant islands, which were normally connected to the main land by ice.

But on noticing my presence, the Arctic white wolf suddenly glanced back within my own direction. Growling and raising its hackles, the white wolf's gaze altered slightly, aiming at whoever or whatever was now standing behind of me.

As if on cue and in unison, another deep growl suddenly irrupted my line of thought, as it crept out from behind of me. Knowing immediately who the growl belonged to, I gradually turned myself on the spot, to be faced with Zebb's ragged wolf form.

Zebb suddenly leaped at me, before I could even react to his presence. The weight of him hitting my body caused the ice to fracture beneath my feet, giving way and swallowing me up.

Plunging through the frozen sea's ice, the water stabbed painfully at my skin, as I could feel myself drowning all over again. Fighting for my life, the current pulled me down, deeper below the sea's surface, as the ice resealed above my head sealing my fate.

Awakening with a start and sitting up safe within my own bed. I coughed and chocked, as if I'd actually been drowning within real life. My skin was also drenched and freezing to the touch, as if I'd actually been plunge into the freezing waters of the Arctic sea.

"Hey, you're alright, - you're safe. Come on, calm yourself down, I've got you."

Sitting up and immediately wrapping his arms around my upper body, to warm and soothe my mind. Not even Jacob's words or comfort could take away my inner fear of Zebb's return.

(Unedited Draft)

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