Chapter 5; Explanations

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Chapter 5; Explanations

All of the Wildlife Protection teams equipment had been set up, with a small bit of help from Samuel. The main base tent was spacious and contained portable screens with satellite imagery, carrier cases which contained tracking devices, weapons and plenty of tranquilizes.

A smaller tent had also been erected just next door, as the Wildlife Protection teams sleeping quarters, which contained four simple makeshift camp beds. For a small team that was constantly on the move, they were pretty well organized and prepared for almost anything.

It had taken the Wildlife Protection team at least a good few hours to set up all of their equipment, completing what they were doing only as the day's light was slowly starting to fade. Examining and crossreferencing the maps and satellite imagery of the surrounding land, all the team could do now was prepare themselves for their first exploration the following day.

All because Skye had decided to take off, Jacob had been forced into stepping in, as he tried to help the Wildlife Protection team to understand the layout of the mountains and its many scattered valleys. The young man had a higher understanding of the land, than what Skye did. But no matter where his mate would wander off to, Skye never seemed to get herself lost, as she always seemed to know her way back somehow, - even if he didn't understand how?

"What if we took this route instead, surely it would lead us up to higher ground?"

Christine was trying to understand why Jacob was being so persistent in trying to change their courses route for the following day.

"It would, but that part of the land was terribly damaged during last years earthquakes. I would really advise you to sticking to the lower valleys where it's a lot safer, as most of these mountain passes have become unstable or impassable."

"I think we'll take our chances. Plus, it would be good for us to check out each if these mountain passes and document what we locate and find. It's another one the reasons why the Wildlife Federation has sent us out here, they need to know how stable or unstable all of this land has become."

Sighing, Jacob didn't like the fact that he hadn't been able to or couldn't change the Wildlife Protection teams course for the following day.

Chandresh had cooked, as he was the only person upon the ranch who was used to feeding large groups of people all at once. Samuel had been the one to bring the food out, stepping into the Wildlife Protection teams base tent, before handing a plate to each of the team.

Thanking Samuel, the Wildlife Protection team each took a seat and began to eat the delicious food. Glancing in Samuel's direction, he gave Jacob a small silent nod, answering his unspoken question. Leaving the tent swiftly, Jacob left Samuel to deal with the team alone.

Stepping out of the Wildlife Protection teams base tent, Jacob's eyes swiftly scanned the ranches open land, as they landed upon his mate reentering the ranch upon Blacky's bare back. Jogging down to meet Skye, the horse completely halted its pace on noticing the young man's approach.

Slipping down off of the horses back, I stepped forward, as Jacob caught me mid-stride. Pulling me into him close, Jacob wrapped his arms around my waist and held me up against his chest, as he took a long deep breath of my scent. Taking a step back, his eyes scanned over my entire body as usual, making sure that I was fully alright.

"Jake, I'm fine, - I just needed to get away."

"Please don't ever do that again, Skye. You know how much I worry when you suddenly just take-off, especially when you know that I can't just follow you."

I knew how much Jacob worried about me, especially with Zebb still out there somewhere. I worried about him too, when Jacob wasn't around and was too busy with his pack.

"I'm sorry, I promise I won't do it again."

"I don't want you to apologize to me, my love. I will never stop you from doing what you want, I'll always stand by you no matter what your decisions. I just want you to be safe, and I can't relax when you're away from me, especially if you're closing your mind off to me."

Nodding and kissing the love of my world, I accepted Jacob's words, knowing that he was right. Leading the horse back towards the stables, I saw my uncle exiting the Wildlife Protection teams base tent. Spotting us both, my uncle lifting his hand and give a small wave for us to hurry on up, as he turned and continued his way back towards the farmhouse.

Jacob guided and placed Blacky back within the stable for me, while I waited outside, my eyes trained upon the distant land beyond. Returning back to my side, Jacob placed his arm back around my waist, as he started to guide me back towards the farmhouse.

"What is it?"

Slowly glancing up as we both walked, I looked into Jacob's eyes.

"I'm not completely sure, but I think I saw something today."

"Another vision?"

I shook my head, answering my mate silently no.

"I'm not completely sure what it was. All I know for certain, is that I'm sure I saw a brief glimpse of a white bushy tail, before it disappeared out of my line of sight."

"It'll probably just be another wild stray crossbreed. There's been a lot of reports of them being spotted lately, due to the irresponsible people who keep releasing them back into the wild because most of them cannot be controlled."

"Our sled dogs are doing just fine."

"Yes, but that's only because they have you to train and control them. Do you believe Samuel would have bought those dogs, if it weren't for you?"

"No, he said himself that crossbreeds were extremely hard to train and he wasn't very happy at the time with the price he had to pay for them either."

"Well, there you go. If by any luck, the natural true grey wolves will just keep their distance, just like you have taught them to and the Wildlife Protection team should only come across what crossbreeds are out there."

"I hope you're right."

Allowing Jacob to lead me back into the farmhouse, I couldn't help but to glance back over my shoulder, scanning the distant mountainous land one last time.

In my mind, I could accepted Jacob's explanation. But for some reason, in my heart, I was still slightly unsure. I just couldn't fully accepting that it was a crossbreed in which I had caught a small glimpse of.

Chandresh and my uncle where both within the kitchen, already sitting and eating at the dining table. Joining them both, Jacob and I both dug into our food, as we both joining in with the conversation circulating about their newly found guests.

(Unedited Draft)

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