Running: poem

42 16 9


You take my hand, leading me
Off into worlds of ice,

     Ice that begins to melt
     Under an orange sun, giving way

To gentle fields of
Buttercups, tulips, grass that

     Goes on and on.
     And we fling off our shoes

And all things that bind us
And we are free and mad

     And laughing, running through the
     Field, blue sky over our heads,

Terse earth scraping our
Feet, scraping loose layers

     Of accumulated numbness.
     It all melts away,

Fog in an alpine morning,
Into the shouting peaks

     Made of serrated glass
     Paper of a sketch you

Showed me as the
Birds began to wake.

     Take my hand and take me
     There, to the place

We will lose ourselves, to
The place expectation embraces,

     Never to disappoint, ever
     To fulfill our naive wishes.

NOTE: Thank you for reading the fifth installment of Hello, November!


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