Thanksgiving: poem

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It rained all day yesterday.
It rained through the night as well.
It shuddered down from heavy clouds,
Draping the warm house in comfort.

       We ate, we talked, we laughed, family
       Dining together; we gave solemn thanks
       Closed our eyes to each other's crying faces
       Prayed to the sky it will stay this way

As long as we are mortal; for the rain
Did fall outside, but the lights were dim inside,
And the heater sang its merriment,
Filling us with golden heat.

       For Thanksgiving is more than a time to eat--
       We acknowledge our blessings, our privileges
       That we take for granted. We love our stable
       Bones, our churning heads, our kind natures.

We thank the roof that covers our
Bodies, a canopy from the weather.
We thank the fact that we live close
So we can all gather safely together.

       We thank the food in our stomachs
       And the thick socks on our feet.
       Then we play raucous games and love each other
       For it's more than a time we eat.

NOTE: I hope that everyone was happy yesterday, and I hope the best for all of you. May you be joyful wherever you are.


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