Chapter 6

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I woke up with a groan, looking around slowly as I tried to remember where I was.
Oh, I'm in my room.
I look around my room some, not seeing Remy.
"Remy? Can you hear me?" I try to talk to her telepathically.

No answer.

Flashbacks of the incident began to flood my mind like wildfire in a forest.

"RUSSO! Are you alright?!"

"Ye-yeah. I'm fine. Woo! You sure were hungry."

"Why are you purple?"

"What the fuck is going on, Remy?"




"Nicky?! What's happening to you guys?!"

"Remy?! My eyes!!! I can't see!!"

The flash in the dark made me look up as I noticed a passed out Russo and an extremely worried Yumi on my bed, while I stumble and try to get up.
My eyes were fogged up a lot.

I could barely see my own fingers.

Probably something wrong with my contacts.

I look back up at what I assumed was Yumi in this blurred state that my eyes are in once I realized that I have no strength in my body to get up off of the floor of my bedroom on my own.

"Y-Yumi. . ." I stutter. At the weak call of her name, my best friend instantly snaps to attention.

"KARMIN!!!!!" A blurred version of Yumi runs to me and tackles me into a hug.

"Oh God! Are you okay?! What happened to your hair?! And your eyes!!! They looked cracked!!! Karmin please tell me you know what's going on!!" Yumi was frantic. Her thoughts blasting out all over the place.

"S-Slow down. . ." I try to calm her down.

My voice.

It doesn't sound like me.

Nor does it sound like Remy.

It sounds. . . .new.

Higher in pitch.

But more mature than a 18 year-old.

"What's wrong Karmin?!" Yumi hasn't calmed down at all.

"Ugh." Suddenly, the once lifeless Russo was slowly becoming active.

"Russo. ." I call out to him softly.

"Yumi." They both turn their attention to me.

"Yeah Karmin?" Yumi kneels down to me.

"H-Help. . . ." I needed to get up, but I was too weak to do it on my own.

"Right! I'm on it!" Yumi drapes my arm over her shoulder as she wraps her arms around my midsection.

"Ready, Karmin?" She says, most likely indicating that she was prepared to lift me up to my feet.

"Y-Yeah." I say softly.

She nods and lifts me up as I stagger a bit to my feet.

"Karmin, are you alright?" Russo looks at me.

"I could ask you the same question." I say softly as it seems I can finally say whole sentences.

"I was passed out but you," He looks at me up and down then back up as he focuses on my eyes.

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