Chapter 8

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It's been 7 hours, 45 minutes and 38.7 seconds since Russo and Yumi got comfortable and fell asleep on me. I'm assuming that when they both got tired and we all agreed to call it a night, they forgot about our conversation we had literally after we got back into my room from talking to Mick outside of the bathroom.

"You can't sleep?" Yumi's question echoes in my mind.

"Is it like insomnia?" Russo asks as I can tell that he's concerned.

"No. It's just that I have no feeling of sleep." I say in response.

"So, you never get tired?" Yumi asks.

"Nope. Never."

"Wow." They say in unison.

"Does it hurt?" Yumi asks.

"No. And it isn't detrimental to my health either. I just have no feeling of tired or any drowsiness."

"Does that mean-" I instantly cut Russo off as I fear I know what he was about to ask.

"No it doesn't mean I have tons of energy. You'll never be able to tell if I'm tired because I never am. However, I do get exhausted. Like my body can be pushed to a certain limit that makes me exhausted."

"Oh. So you can drain your energy but you can't sleep?" Russo asks, looking at me.

"Yep." I respond with a nod.

Now that I think back on that conversation we had, I do believe this is the first time I have ever had a sleepover.

I mean, I didn't plan this but it's a sleepover nonetheless.

I look around me as I try to take in my current situation. There were empty pizza boxes by my door, half drunken soda bottles all over the room, a passed out Russo on the floor with a blanket and his duffle bag as a pillow. There were shoes, and clothes, sprawled all around my room as well.

Yep, sleepover.

I look down at myself as I noticed that I am in only a t-shirt and a pair of shorts that don't look like something I've ever owned in my entire life and Yumi was holding me by my waist in a vice lock like grip, her head resting on my chest. She was wearing a big gray t-shirt and bright blue shorts that only go to the very top of her thigh. These were the kind of shorts that she always wore under her skirts or dresses. However, the last time I checked, she was wearing pants. Wasn't she?

I pry the sleeping Yumi off of my body and decided to head to the bathroom. I yawn and stretch as I look in the mirror.

"So my eyes are just going to be red now because I don't have anymore contacts. Ugh, I was supposed to get more after the other day. This whole blood must've made it slip my mind." I continue to check myself as I quietly discuss things to myself.

" My hair has bits of red in it now." I look at my hair curiously. The darkened sections of red slicing into my long, raven hair.

"I suppose I can go over the red with some dye. But would that be damaging to my hair?" I sigh, thinking about it as I walk back to my room.

When I get back, I noticed Russo leaned up on his arm, scrolling through his phone.

"Morning," He says calmly with a stretch and a yawn.

"Uh, morning." I say calmly.

It's kind of weird having people asleep in my room or greeting me this early on a Saturday.

"Ya sleep okay?" He asks as it becomes clear to me that he drops his sophisticated tone when he's not in school.

Yep, he's forgotten.

"You idiot. Don't you remember us talking about this last night? She can't sleep." Yumi's sleepy voice breaks through as we both watch her rise up from my bed, currently stretching when I turn to her.

"Oh, shit. My bad." He says, looking back at me.

"It's fine. I get that a lot actually." I reply as Yumi sits up and lets her feet dangle off of my bed.


"Yes really. Remember those overnight trips with the school?" I look at them as there have been many times that people have said this.

Though they didn't know.

I never told anyone besides these two.

Not even Mick knows.

"Oh yeah. I remember seeing you on a few of them." Russo says softly as I currently have his and Yumi's undivided attention.

"Well, there were times when my roommates would wake up at like 4 in the morning and I would still be awake."

"What would happen?" Russo asks.

"What would you say?" Yumi chimes in after him.

"Well, it depends."



"Like?" Yumi chimes in on this one word conversation.

"One of my roommates brought in her boyfriend at like 3 or 4 in the morning, assuming I'd be asleep. She was making him promise to be quiet as they made out by the door."

Russo begins to laugh a bit while Yumi giggles.

"Needless to say, she was not only surprised and embarrassed, because it is me after all, but I didn't ease her nervousness when I looked at her and asked, 'which one of you slammed the door?' I'm pretty sure that I broke them up because of that statement."

"So they were trying to sneak in and one of them slammed the door?" Russo asks through his laughter.

"No. I made it up. There was no slamming and they took all precautions and everything."

Both Yumi and Russo were in full out laughter at this story as I began chuckling a bit.

"Let's just say I am a very good actor." I say with a smirk as they laugh.

"Wow Karmin." Yumi says with a giggle.

"Yep. It isn't easy being me, ya know? But I guess it's good to laugh at all the strange scenarios I had to be in." I say with a chuckle.

"Do you have any more stories?" Yumi asks with a giggle as she looks at me.

"Tons." I say calmly with a small smile.

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